Women More Likely to Be Rejected for Salary Hikes: New Report

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A recent report by the Pew Research Center has highlighted that women are more likely to be turned down for salary hikes compared to their male counterparts. The study surveyed over 5,500 US workers and found that 61 percent of women and 58 percent of men did not ask for higher pay when they were last hired. Out of those who did ask for a raise, only 28 percent were successful in achieving it.
Interestingly, women were more likely to be served with the initial offer (38 percent) compared to men (31 percent), which suggests that women may face more resistance or have less bargaining power than men when negotiating for higher salaries. The study also revealed that men were more likely to be satisfied with the pay they were offered (42 percent) compared to women (36 percent).
Furthermore, women were also found to be less comfortable asking for more money from their employers, with 42 percent admitting to feeling uncomfortable compared to 33 percent of men. However, younger female employees were more likely to ask for a raise.
These findings highlight the ongoing issue of gender pay disparity, which was further confirmed by a recent Financial Times analysis that revealed almost 80 percent of employers in the UK pay men more than women on average in their organizations. The gender pay gap has worsened since mandatory gender pay gap reporting began six years ago, with the average gap between men’s and women’s pay increasing to 12.2 percent in 2022-23.
The pay gap persists across different sectors, with the educational sector having the highest average pay gap at 23.2 percent. The UN has also reported that for every dollar a man makes across the world, a woman only makes 77 cents due to the growing pay disparity between genders.
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