I wish to travel to distant places

To regions I saw in my dreamy traces

It’s here that I wish to build my home

For they always say that

“This is not your home”                                                                   

I wish to travel to the wilderness

For when I am asked to forget the lineage

I feel disconnected and lost to such demands

Why with whom I grew up with

Can’t be called my own?

They say that their home

Is where you belong to?

But I wonder how strangers will let that happen

Isn’t it too demanding for me to adjust?

After all, I always will and have taken this as my ‘home’

I rebel as I have been here

Lived all of the struggle

Grew, fought, rebelled, and transformed here

It was then that I understood the implicit meaning

Home is what is built by me, and ‘for’ me!

I take the baton to create my home

I wander with happiness and freedom

As the companions in this journey

“To build a home which is ‘My own’”

I am thus ‘In search of a home’

Sneha Pandey