Jayshree Ullal , An Indian-American CEO and a self made Billionaire 

Jayshree Ullal

Jayshree V. Ullal Born on March 27, 1961, is an American billionaire businesswoman, president and CEO of Arista networks, A cloud networking company responsible for the deployment of GIGABIT ETHERNET networking in the data centres. She was born in London and raised in New Delhi, India throughout her school years. She graduated with B.S.in engineering (electrical) from San Francisco State University. She completed her master’s degree in engineering management from Santa Clara University.

She began her career with engineering and strategy positions at advanced micro devices (AMD) and Fairchild semiconductors. She was director of internetworking products at UNGERMANN-BASS for four years. In September 1993 when Cisco Systems acquired Crescendo communications Ullal joined Cisco and began work on Cisco catalyst. She was the vice president and general manager of LAN switching in the enterprise group.

In October 2008, cofounders Andy Bechtolsheim and David Cheriton named Ullal CEO and president of Arista Networks

She was named by Forbes magazine as “one of the top five most influential people in the networking industry today”

In June 2014, she led Arista networks to an IPO on the New York stock exchange and other symbols ANET.

Jayshree was named one of Barron’s “World’s Best CEOs” in 2018 and one of Fortune’s “Top 20 Business Persons” in 2019. Moreover, She is truly an exceptional inspiration for the young people in society for working their best and up to one’s potential to achieve their desired goals.

Credits: livemint.com

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   ~written by Madhvica Sharma