Journeys that tell stories

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and the modern world has identified February 14th as a day of love, romance, and care. On this day, many romances have blossomed and many people have rekindled their love and togetherness after years apart. Gifts, chocolates, and candlelight dinners are common ways for people to express their love. Love and the feeling of being loved are fantastic. It has a significant impact on your physical and mental well-being.
I’d like to share four amazing love stories with you that I came across. On the train, then the bus, then the plane, and eventually out for an evening stroll.
On Train:
I was walking to catch the train to the city for work on one of those November mornings. It’s that time of year when folks wrap up in layers to keep warmth in their smile as well. As the pandemic was midway, there were only a few passengers on the train. So apart from layers, there is a mask on the face as well. Train travel is no longer as fascinating as it once was. This was the same train that people from all walks of life used to travel. You have conversations and learn so much on those rides. But now it’s just the essential workers and people who have to travel.
A man entered the compartment as mine at one point. He appears mentally disturbed, with unkempt hair and items jammed in an old rough bag. The train leaves the station slowly. I hear some swear words over the rumbling sound of the handles. The old man is agitated, swearing at several people, and crying. ‘Emily, I love you,’ he continues. ‘You gave everything to me. Emily, I miss you so much. Please return. I’ll be okay! He stole you away from me.’ I was seeing a man’s anguish over lost love. Did Emily abandon him? What happened between them? He seems to miss her and wishes for a better life with her.
On Bus:
I had to take a late-night bus ride a few years ago. I figured a five-hour journey on an AC low-floor bus would be safe and comfortable. I boarded the bus at 6 p.m., aiming to arrive at my destination by 11 p.m. The bus arrived at a bus station at 8 p.m., and an older couple sat on the other side of my seat. The woman appears to be unhappy and continues to scold her husband. I was sitting on the window seat, looking out at the night sky. I took a glance at the couple. The woman appears ill, confused, and irritated. Her husband was trying to put her to sleep. The bus departed from the station. The bus was mostly silent, and I dozed off.
I jumped up when I heard a loud noise and realized it was the wife screaming at her husband that she was hungry and thirsty and he wasn’t providing her anything. He might have been embarrassed, but as soon as the bus stopped, he jumped off and brought biscuits and juice. She is now cheerful, smiles like a child, eats the cookie, and feeds her husband. She even offered me a piece of her biscuit, which I thanked her for and told her she could have my part because I had already eaten. I glance out the window at the black sky, contemplating the love and care they share. This couple and their love will always be close to my heart. I saw strong love even when one person is frail and she is well cared for.
On flight:
We had a 24-hour flight, and a long flight in economy class gives you new friends and family. On one such flight, we had a polite and overly friendly flight attendant. She came by occasionally and even offered to assist me in putting my baby to sleep. Also, she would walk down the aisle to the row next to ours to meet a young friendly guy, and they would exchange a few words here and there for quite some time.
After her shift ended, she came and sat next to the same guy. Later, she revealed that he was her boyfriend and that he would fly just to meet her and spend time with her. For unexplained reasons, they must have found happiness meeting here and making dreams of living happily ever after.
Evening walk:
Every walk is an opportunity to view or meet lovely things or people (inside out). I ran into them on one of my walks. When I noticed those holding hands and walking from behind, I felt compelled to go and meet them. Without hesitation, I went and talked with them before taking a photo and blessing them to remain happy and healthy forever. They did give a lovely smile and thanked me for the photo and the old man jokingly remarked “I could charge you 100 $”. Finally, we said our goodbyes and wished each other a happy day before parting ways. Life is very lovely. Allow this warmth and love to pervade everyone’s life.

These stories have touched me a lot. And to, even more, believe in true love. Love is all we need.
Live love and laugh!
-Anju has a doctorate in Bioscience and aspires to contribute to society through her work and writings. She truly believes in the motto “Live, love, and laugh”.