March 2024 Horoscope
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This horoscope is based on the Moon sign—the zodiac sign in which the Moon was at the time of a person’s birth. If your Dasha and Antardasha (the Ruling planet’s Period) are auspicious, the effects will be even more favorable for you. In case the Dasha-Antardasha is of an inauspicious planet, there will be a slight reduction in the auspicious effects. If you do not know your Moon sign, kindly read the horoscope using the first alphabet of your name.

ARIES: Aries (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo and A)  

The month starts with stress and the dilemma of making important decisions regarding the job. There may be a difference of opinion with the immediate boss. If you plan to make a change, decide after the 23rd of March. Care is needed in financial transactions. Funds will be needed for expansion plans in case of business. The month is not meant for big investments. Don’t make travel plans on the 3rd, 10th, and 25th of March. Health needs attention in the first fortnight, whereas the second fortnight will be fine. The month is meant for enjoying a relationship with a spouse and beloved as well. Maternal relationships may demand attention.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Keeping patience this month is the key mantra. 

– Do not ignore the advice of close ones.  

TAURUS: (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo) 

The month is fine, yet you do not expect much from your fortune. Your hard work pays off only; this will be the mantra for the month. You may not get things easily in the first fortnight, whereas the second fortnight brings a sudden and unexpected change. If you plan to change jobs, when is the best month for initiation? Gains from assets are prominently foreseen this month, and expenditure will be on the higher side. Health will be fine, but infections may occur, and care must be taken while driving. Relationships will have ups and downs and difficult positions to deal with in personal relationships. Your behavior needs analysis to maintain harmony.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Be kind and polite to your subordinates.  

– Do not show restlessness at the workplace.  

GEMINI: (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO). 

The month may bring a change in position, and relocation is also foreseen. You have to concentrate on your work especially. Work with an open eye and should not deviate your attention. Financial position will be fine, and gains will increase. An indication of the recovery of given money in the past is also foreseen. Some allergy issues may disturb health, and you should not be ignorant of it. In the case of other health issues, diagnosis may take some time, and a second opinion is needed. The relationship with a spouse and beloved will be fine, and you will enjoy each other’s company, whereas family relationships may be disturbed in the first fortnight.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Try to remain patient and do not explain all your ideas in one shot. 

– Don’t be sarcastic in speech.  

CANCER: (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do). 

A difficult month to pass through. You should not expect a big positive turn this month. Lack of cooperation from superiors may disturb you. Don’t think of leaving the current job and do not be overconfident too. Financial discipline must be maintained, and you should not overlook the pre-set budget. Patience must be maintained in personal and professional relationships in the second fortnight. Health needs special care not only for you but also for your spouse/beloved. Keep a check on bile; liquid intake must be adequate. Personal life also needs a lot of attention. Those who are unmarried may face difficulties in their love life.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Try to avoid petty matters, keeping in mind the future.   

– Don’t panic and pass this phase with a cool head.  

LEO: (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta) 

The month is not meant for getting support on the professional front. The process for job change can be initiated. Your decision must be well-thought-out. A change in working pattern is also necessary this month. Unexpected expenditures will disturb the pre-set plans. Unwanted travel will also create an additional burden on finances. Health needs special care this month and in the next month. Do not be ignorant of it. Blood pressure must be checked regularly. Personal life will have ups and downs, and differences of opinion will disturb harmony. If possible, make a travel plan to avoid such situations.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Keep updating yourself for better results.  

– Don’t show irritation in case of a difference of opinion at the workplace. 

VIRGO: (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, Pee, Po). 

The month starts with unnecessary restlessness. Keep a check on your temperamental fluctuations in the first fortnight especially. Keeping pace at the work front will be difficult for you. It is better to avoid decisions. Don’t involve yourself in other matters especially. Discussing your plans and ideas with everyone may go against you. Inflow will be good and some gains from property or investment in it will be prominent. Keep a check on the legal aspects before investing. Health and relationships may be the major sectors to deal with patiently. Ignorance towards the spouse’s health is not suggested.  

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– You should listen to your subordinates patiently  

– Don’t react to small things; it will only harm you.

LIBRA: (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta). 

The month starts with the upper hand over competitors, yet vigilance is needed while dealing with superiors. Getting support from them should not be expected. You will get a big opportunity to convert crises into opportunities in the second fortnight. Finances will be fine. Don’t adopt shortcuts or invest in trade, etc. in this month and until mid-April 2024. Seasonal changes will bring health issues in the second fortnight. Some immunity booster herbs will be needed to improve health. In the first fortnight, health will be fine. Personal life will be fine, and you will enjoy a good time with your spouse/beloved.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month:  

– Maintain a balance between your patience and achieving goals.  

– Don’t rely on anyone completely.  

SCORPIO: (To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu) 

The first fortnight would bring more positivity, but attention is also needed for your work. The chances of relocation are foreseen this month, or it may set the stage for the next month. Whereas the second fortnight is just the reverse. You must keep patience on the work front; dealing with superiors may be an issue in the second fortnight. Pay special attention on the 15th and 16th of March. Finances may be an issue despite inflow. Don’t spend money on others; some past savings may also be disturbed this month. Emotional health needs more attention than physical fitness. Some pessimistic thoughts may disturb your emotions. Dealing with personal relationships is a challenge this month and in the next month.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Try to focus on the work at hand  

– Don’t try to manage things in your own style or feel discontentment.   

SAGITTARIUS: (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha) 

An extraordinary time for the exhibition of the best of your skills. Appreciation from superiors is another achievement for this month in the first fortnight. Whereas the second fortnight demands careful handling of your professional relationships. Finances may be another reason to give you satisfaction and peace of mind. Expenditure is indicated on purchasing gifts for loved ones this month. Cough issues and some gastric problems may disturb your health. If any medicine is prescribed for blood pressure or cholesterol, it should not be avoided. Personal relations must be dealt with with utmost care in the second quarter of the month. The health of a loved one may disturb you.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Try to think out of the box for a stronghold at the workplace.  

– Don’t be overconfident, out of success.  

CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee) 

The month seems to be very fine on the work front, but keeping coordination with superiors may be a real challenge for you in the first fortnight of the month. The second fortnight will be comparatively better; you will find yourself more comfortable. Financially too, the month will be of ease and increase your comforts as well. Expenditure on luxuries or travel is also foreseen. Health would need some attention if you have blood pressure issues. Personal relations should be dealt with with soft speech and a cool temperament. Despite spending quality time together, differences of opinion will be there.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Do not keep over-listening and fall prey to other’s advice, use your own wit.  

–  Keep rhythm and timing in your every act.  

AQUARIUS: (Gu, Gae, Go, Sa, Si, Su/ Sai, So, D). 

The month needs special attention on the work front while dealing with superiors. Challenges will be more, and performance may be a little less. Yet the positive aspect is that support will be there from colleagues. Finance may not be an issue; inflow would be expected. Some expenditure is indicated on recreational activities. Health and personal relationships will be fine, and any previous issues will also be cured. The precautionary thing is to keep checking the speed of your vehicle and its maintenance too. Liquid intake must be increased not only in this month but also in the next few months.

Here are some dos and don’ts for the month: 

– Do not make unnecessary manipulations.  

– Maintaining confidence will be needed this month. 

PISCES: (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee). 

A fine time for professionals and people dealing in marketing jobs. The support of superiors will boost your confidence level. Finance will be a big reason for happiness for you. Some unexpected gains or previously stuck money may return, or a gift from family members in the form of finances will be prominent this month. Yet, a check is needed for unexpected expenditures. Health, of course, needs your attention. Some issues of allergy in the eyes may affect you for a few days. Don’t doubt your relationship if you are in courtship, whereas married people must take care of the emotions of their spouse.

Dos and Don’ts. 

– Create a new and original path for you.  

Do not try your hand at something negative.  

Dr. Suman Sachdev is a certified Astrology and Vastu Consultant who possesses extensive experience in crafting horoscopes for renowned publications.
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