Natalie Portman Open to Reprising Star Wars Role: Fans Call for Padmé’s Return

In a recent episode of GQ’s “Actually Me” series, renowned actress Natalie Portman expressed her interest in returning to the Star Wars universe. Portman, who portrayed Queen Padmé Amidala in the prequel trilogy, revealed that she has never been approached to reprise her role but remains open to the idea. Fans have long voiced their desire to see Padmé’s character properly concluded and included in a different timeline.
Since her tragic demise in 2005’s Star Wars: Episode 3 — Revenge of the Sith, fans have argued that Padmé deserved a better send-off. GQ received a question from a fan via Reddit, asking about the possibility of Padmé’s return and acknowledging her significance to the original trilogy’s storyline. Portman’s interview shed light on her character’s treatment and the fans’ sentiment.
During the interview, Portman also reminisced about the elaborate costumes she wore throughout the films. She revealed that she took one of Anakin’s braids as a keepsake but unfortunately lost it. The No Strings Attached actress is not alone in her willingness to revisit the Star Wars universe, as Daisy Ridley, who played Rey in the recent revival trilogy, is set to reprise her role in an upcoming movie.
Re-reported from the story originally published in