Nurturing a Baby: 10 Ways to Foster Joy, Love, and Respect in Parenthood

A picture of He/She embracing parenthood

Like in every discipline, social behavior and well-being are heavily researched as we strive to improve upon the preceding generation. We think that the early years lay the basic foundation for this. A child is born into the world unadulterated. The context is what later organizes the individual into tiers and adjectives. Have you ever pondered when an adjective starts to define a person? Kind, beautiful, pretty, good, greedy, selfish, compassionate, smart, dull, moody, jealous? With the addition of the adjectives, the baby develops into a child, a child into a teenager, and ultimately into an adult. Some people remain there, holding to their imposed identity, while others attempt to develop and improve. It is the circumstances and experiences that shape who we are. As parents, there are many things we can do to foster a culture of joy, love, and respect for every human life. I would like to jot down ten points for nurturing a baby with no addendums.

  • Respect words yes and no equally.

Using the terms yes and no correctly would make everyday talks much simpler. So starting it early in life makes conversations easier. This accounts for self-esteem and self-confidence in life. As parents, we must use NO for things that resonate exactly as NO, and for things that we tend to believe cannot be safe or healthy, it is always better, to be honest, and to represent them correctly.

  • Avoid getting things fast.

This task might seem difficult in the times we live in. But it’s important that we as individuals follow and inculcate things like:

  • Important, extreme priority- Do what you can
  • Important, low priority- Plan and do
  • Not important, low priority- don’t do
  • Important, don’t know how to assign tasks to someone who can

This strategy helps in life and we will have a lot of time to do basic things in life. When we have this balance in life, there will not be a hurry for us to make kids behave the way we want. Instead of saying “Don’t climb the railing or no chocolates/no TV,” it might be better to say, “Climbing on the rail can be dangerous without a helmet, so I cannot let you do that.”  The latter is a positive and clear approach that allows the individual to analyze the situation better and decide.

  • Have time for simple things

Time to enjoy simple yet essential things in life is going for a walk and observing the plants, leaves, flowers, and insects. It contributes to having a more mindful life and kids start to embrace life with all its beauty.

  • Words matter

Words are important in all relationships. The most affirming expressions in any relationship, including those between friends, spouses, and parents and children, are “I love you” and a hug. Even in times of conflict, always make sure to bring up problems with the goal of aiding rather than blaming.

Being “Friends”

Even though the generations are different, I think a parent-child relationship should be one of friendship. Respect one another and acknowledge that although their parents brought them into the world, they are still unique individuals. So start having healthy conversations and enjoying each other’s achievements and sharing the vulnerabilities as much a little brain can take.

  • Vanish worry

Worrying is an unnecessary thing in life. Having a happy, supportive family makes solving challenges easier. Every age group runs with uncomfortable situations or problems, and that’s when we start to worry. As a result, we can discuss problems as a family, analyze them, and work to find solutions.

  • Surprises, no secrets

As a family, it should be a motto to hold surprises but no secrets. Family members should reaffirm that children are allowed to discuss their interactions with peers and friends. The foundation for a child’s healthy development is found here.

  • Appreciate self and others

“I realize it might take you some additional time to fully grasp the situation. Examinations are only used to determine whether you grasp the subject. It is not a proper representation of your worth as a person. Spend some time understanding things.” “The way so and so run is amazing! Maybe we can ask and learn things if you are interested in it!” These might be encouraging words to accept ourselves for who we are and to value others as they are.

  • Being a jack of all trades  is good

You can sing if you can talk, and you can dance if you can walk. It’s excellent to study a lot of things, but we are the ones who decide who the master is! If it makes you happy, simply do it. Don’t think twice. There is nothing wrong with being a jack of all trades.

  • Embrace Uniqueness

My eyes and your eyes are not the same and so does everything else. So don’t compare. Just be yourself and embrace life with what you can and what you have and live happily.

Parenting should be approached with a focus on happiness and peace of mind. By cultivating a culture of positivity and appreciation, we can nurture our children to become happy and confident individuals who embrace their unique identities.

Happy parenting!!

Anju Nandakumar has a doctorate in Bioscience and aspires to contribute to society through her work and writings. She truly believes in the essence of celebrations and festivities and living life with care and compassion.