Ritu Bahri: Leading the Way as Uttarakhand’s Inaugural Female Chief Justice

Ritu Bahri Chief Justice
Image courtesy: Hindustan Times

A Historic Inauguration Ceremony
Uttarakhand’s judicial landscape witnessed a transformative moment as Governor Lt Gen (retd) Gurmit Singh formally installed Justice Ritu Bahri as the Chief Justice of Uttarakhand High Court. This appointment not only signifies a significant step forward for the state’s judiciary but also marks a groundbreaking milestone in gender equality within the legal sphere.

A Legacy of Legal Excellence
Justice Bahri’s journey to the helm of Uttarakhand’s judiciary is rooted in her illustrious legal lineage. Born into a family of revered legal practitioners in Jalandhar, Punjab, she inherited a deep-seated respect for the principles of law from an early age. This heritage laid the foundation for her remarkable career trajectory.

From Advocate to Chief Justice
Following her formal education, Justice Bahri embarked on a path of legal excellence. Starting as a practicing advocate, she diligently honed her skills within the corridors of the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Over the years, her dedication, integrity, and unwavering commitment to justice propelled her ascent through the ranks, culminating in her historic appointment as the highest judicial authority in Uttarakhand.

A Record of Remarkable Achievements
Justice Bahri’s tenure as a jurist is characterized by a litany of noteworthy accomplishments. With over 800 reported judgments to her name, she has left an indelible mark on the legal landscape, exemplifying her exceptional acumen and expertise.

Her judgements have not only upheld the pillars of justice but have also contributed significantly to the evolution of legal precedent in the region.

A Trailblazer in the Judiciary
Beyond her professional achievements, Justice Ritu Bahri’s appointment as the first female Chief Justice of Uttarakhand is a testament to her pioneering spirit and unwavering dedication to the cause of justice.

In breaking through gender barriers within the judiciary, she has paved the way for future generations of women to pursue leadership roles in the legal profession.

A Lasting Legacy
Thus, Justice Ritu Bahri’s ascent to the position of Uttarakhand’s Chief Justice is a landmark moment in the state’s legal history.

Through her distinguished lineage, unwavering commitment to excellence, and trailblazing leadership, she has not only etched her name in the annals of Uttarakhand’s legal legacy but has also set a shining example for aspiring jurists across the nation.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The Hindustan Times