She News Maker – Ms. Manya Singh

Ms. Manya Singh who is the daughter of a driver, is a great example of hard work and persistence. Regardless of the hardships, she was crowned as Miss India 2020 Runner-up.
She spent numerous nights without food and sleep and spent afternoons walking for miles on end. Her blood, sweat and tears have amalgamated into courage to pursue her dreams. Being a rickshaw driver’s daughter, she never had the opportunity to attend school as she started working in her teens. All the clothes she had were borrowed and she yearned for books but luck was not in her favor.
Eventually, her parents mortgaged whatever little jewelry her mother had to ensure that she could pay her exam fees in order to earn a degree. Her mother had suffered a lot to provide for her.

At age fourteen, she ran away from home and somehow managed to complete her studies in the day, worked as a dishwasher in the evening and worked at a call center at night. She walked hours to reach places, so she could save the rickshaw fare.
She said “I am here today at the VLCC Femina Miss India 2020 stage to uplift my father, my mother and my younger brother and to show the world that all is possible if you are committed to yourself and your dreams.”
Congratulations to Ms. Manya on pursuing her dreams.