Singaporeans Split on LGBTQ Issues


A recent survey by Ipsos, a research company, checked how Singaporeans feel about LGBTQ rights. They found that while more people support LGBTQ rights than are against them, many are not sure about some things.

Lots of Singaporeans are unsure about LGBTQ issues. Some don’t know how much LGBTQ people should be seen in everyday life, like talking about their relationships or being in TV shows.

On some topics, like if same-sex couples should adopt kids, more people are supportive and fewer are undecided.

Ipsos asked 500 Singaporeans as part of a survey with 26 countries. The survey happened online from February 23 to March 8 and had different types of people involved.

Singaporeans’ feelings about LGBTQ issues are different. Some are OK with it, while others aren’t. For example, many people aren’t sure if they’re OK with LGBTQ couples showing affection in public.

Some people aren’t sure if LGBTQ people should talk about their sexuality or gender identity openly. And some aren’t sure if same-sex couples should marry or adopt children.

Younger people usually support LGBTQ rights more than older folks. For instance, more millennials and Generation Z think same-sex couples can raise kids well compared to Gen X and baby boomers.

Even though many people aren’t sure, lots of Singaporeans think LGBTQ individuals should be protected from discrimination. This is a common ground that could help start talks about same-sex marriage and other LGBTQ issues.

Singaporeans have different ideas about LGBTQ rights, with many unsure. But there’s space for talks and agreements, and most agree that protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination is important.

Re-reported from the article originally published in THESTRAITTIMES.