Support Systems Available for Women Entrepreneurs Exporting Products in India

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India is a rapidly growing market for entrepreneurship, with a significant number of women-owned businesses emerging in recent years. However, exporting products globally can be a challenging task for many women entrepreneurs in India, who often face various barriers and constraints. Fortunately, there are several support systems available to assist women entrepreneurs in overcoming these challenges and expanding their businesses into international markets. In this article, we will explore some of the top support systems available for women entrepreneurs exporting products in India.

  • Women Entrepreneurs Platform (WEP): The WEP is a government initiative that provides support to women entrepreneurs in various aspects of business, including exporting products. It offers several resources such as training, mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to funding.
  • Export Promotion Councils (EPCs): EPCs are set up by the Indian government to promote and facilitate exports. Several EPCs focus specifically on promoting exports by women entrepreneurs, such as the Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WICCI) and the Women Entrepreneurs Association of Tamil Nadu (WEAT).
  • National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC): The NSIC provides various services to small businesses, including training and consultancy services for exports. It also offers marketing support to women entrepreneurs, including participation in trade fairs and exhibitions.
  • Women’s Business Incubation Program (WBIP): The WBIP is a joint initiative by the Indian government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that supports women entrepreneurs in starting and growing their businesses. It offers various services, including mentorship, access to funding, and training for exports.
  • India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF): The IBEF is a government agency that promotes Indian brands and products globally. It provides market research, trade intelligence, and marketing support to Indian businesses, including those owned by women entrepreneurs.
  • Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO): FIEO is a government-sponsored organization that works to promote Indian exports globally. It provides various services to exporters, including training, trade fairs and exhibitions, and market research.
  • National Centre for Women Development (NCWD): The NCWD is a government organization that provides training and support to women entrepreneurs in various aspects of business, including exporting products. It offers various programs and initiatives, such as the Mahila Udyam Nidhi
    Scheme, which provides financial assistance to women entrepreneurs.
  • Indian Angel Network (IAN): IAN is a network of angel investors who provide funding and mentorship to startups and small businesses. It also provides access to a network of experts and professionals who can help women entrepreneurs with various aspects of exporting.
  • TiE Women: TiE Women is a global network of entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals who provide mentorship, training, and networking opportunities to women entrepreneurs. It also offers a platform for women entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services to global markets.
  • Women in Export and Import (WEI): WEI is a platform for women entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and learn from each other. It provides various resources, including training, mentoring, and access to funding, to help women entrepreneurs grow their businesses and expand into global
Image Souce: The Economic Times

By taking advantage of these resources, women entrepreneurs can access the knowledge and support they need to expand their businesses and reach global markets.

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