Taliban Deny Entry Of Female Students In Afghanistan University For Not Wearing Burqa


Taliban crackdown on Afghan women and girls continues as one of the Taliban guards barred female students from entering the campus for not wearing a Burqa on Sunday.

The incident occurred at the Badakhshan University in northeastern Afghanistan. The Afghan girls were forced to remain outside the entry gate as the students were not following the norms of the Taliban’s preferred attire, Khaama Press reported.

Taliban’s restriction on women’s freedom of movement, speech, expression, work opportunities, and attire does not just end here. The group has also barred girls from attending school from sixth grade since taking control of war-torn Afghanistan. Naqibullah Qazizada, the president of Badakhshan University said that the terror outfit’s violence and unlawful conduct toward the students will be taken care of and the student’s request would be realized.

After the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan on August 15, 2021, they immediately began rolling back the rights of women and girls. Women began to protest on the streets after the Taliban’s first week in power, despite the grave risks they faced in doing so.

By early September, women-led protests were taking place in Herat province in western Afghanistan and quickly spread across multiple provinces. According to Human Rights Watch, the Taliban response was brutal from the beginning, beating protesters, disrupting, detaining, and torturing journalists covering the demonstrations. The Taliban also banned unauthorized protests. Over time, the Taliban’s abusive responses escalated, with a particularly brutal response to a protest on January 16 in Kabul, when Taliban members threatened, intimidated, and physically assaulted protesters, using pepper spray and electric shock devices.

Credits: ANI