Telangana’s Anvitha Reddy On Her Journey To Scale Mt Everest

Anvitha Reddy

Telangana’s mountaineer Anvitha Reddy Padamati added another feather to her cap by climbing Mt Everest. This is not the first time she has climbed a mountain peak. Back in 2014, she climbed Mt Renock, then Mt Kilimanjaro, Mt Khadey, Mt Elbrus in 2021 and finally Mt Everest, the highest peak in 2022. 

Anvitha admits that her journey to the summit of Mt Everest bought lifetime memories as a mountaineer. “When I did my basic training course at 17 years old, I decided to climb the highest peak in the world, Mt Everest. I prepared myself, learned technical and survival skills with basic and advanced courses. When I felt I am fit and good enough to climb I didn’t look back,” she said.

“I took the Nepal route (South Col) Khumbu Icefall and took nine days to reach base camp. I crossed five ladders used to cross 100-200 ft deep gaps between mountains and reached summit base camp on May 12. From there I reached camp four on May 15 and started for peak the same night, reached it in the morning along with my Sherpa Jang Bo,” she added. 

Previously when she climbed Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe, she was the only Indian to climb in winter. “Before going to Elbrus I got to know that a group of foreigners was washed away in the mountains due to an avalanche a month before. Even then, I went ahead and survived -40 degrees temperature and 40-50 km/h winds. Mt Elbrus made me more courageous to face challenges,” she said. 

This 24-year-old mountaineer’s journey began at Rock Climbing School, Bhongir, Telangana, where she trained and groomed under coach Shekar Babu. Hailing from a humble family, it is difficult to bear her expenses at times. When she climbed Kilimanjajro, it cost her Rs 3 lakh, about six months of earnings for her family. She is thankful to Atchuta Rao Bopanna, who assured to sponsor all future expectations. “I want to complete the other four peaks of the world and this November I am planning to climb Mount Aconcagua,” she reveals. 

Source: Telangana Today

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