The Impact of Makeup on Your Skin: A Complex Analysis

makeup on our skin
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The ongoing debate surrounding the effects of makeup on our skin has sparked varied opinions. While some assert that daily makeup use can lead to pore congestion, breakouts, and premature aging, others argue that modern formulations are safe and beneficial for the skin. It’s essential to discern fact from fiction in this contentious discussion.

Recently, Dr. Rashmi Shetty, a renowned dermatologist, shared makeup dos and don’ts on The Ranveer Show with host Ranveer Allahbadia. Addressing concerns about makeup’s impact on the skin, Dr. Shetty emphasized the significance of the applicator in skincare.

“Most people overlook the importance of cleaning their makeup sponges thoroughly,” she noted. “Simply washing them with soap may not suffice, as bacteria can accumulate within the sponge. Reusing a damp sponge harboring bacteria can be detrimental to the skin. Therefore, opting for disposable sponges is preferable.”

Dr. Shetty also cautioned against using brushes, stating, “Brushes can potentially harm the skin, even if they appear soft. Disposable sponges are a safer option for blending makeup seamlessly without risking infection transmission.”

Additionally, she advised maintaining cleanliness and vigilance with makeup products. “Ensure that tubes are sealed tightly, and cake makeup should not be left exposed. Regularly check the expiry dates of makeup products and discard them accordingly, regardless of personal attachment. By adhering to these precautions and using reputable brands, makeup application can be enjoyable.”

To prevent skincare issues, Dr. Chytra Anand, founder of SkinQ and Kosmoderma Clinics, emphasized the importance of using high-quality, non-comedogenic makeup, thorough skin cleansing, and adopting healthy makeup practices.

Dr. Seema Oberoi Lall, a dermatology consultant, outlined essential tips for maintaining skin health while applying makeup:

  1. Understand Your Skin Type: Choose makeup products tailored to your skin’s needs, whether it’s oily, dry, combination, or sensitive. Opt for water-based or powder-based products for oily skin and oil-based formulas for dry skin to provide adequate hydration.
  2. Practice Moderation: Allow your skin to breathe by occasionally opting for minimal makeup. Focus on enhancing lips and eyes while giving your skin breaks. Always cleanse your face before bedtime, particularly after activities that may lead to pore congestion.
  3. Ensure Hygiene: Avoid sharing makeup tools and regularly clean brushes and sponges to minimize bacterial buildup. Pay attention to product expiry dates and replace items every three to six months, especially lip and eye products, to prevent contamination.
  4. Consider Sensitive Skin: Opt for minimalistic makeup options, such as tinted sunscreens or BB creams with non-comedogenic ingredients, to avoid exacerbating skin issues.

By following these guidelines, individuals can enjoy makeup while prioritizing the health and wellness of their skin.

Repurposed article originally published in the Indian Express