This Upper-Body Routine Is Perfect for Women Wanting to Build Strength

Upper-body workout
Image credit: Jeff Bergen / Getty Images

Strength training for women offers numerous benefits that go beyond simply improving functional strength. In addition to aiding in everyday activities, regular resistance training can also help prevent osteoporosis, enhance mobility, flexibility, and posture, and even reverse signs of aging. According to personal trainer Sian Childs, who specializes in training women, maintaining muscle tissue becomes increasingly important as we age, as the natural loss of muscle mass can be countered through regular stimulation.

Moreover, strength training plays a significant role in pain management and recovery during various life stages, including pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. This underscores the importance of incorporating strength training into one’s fitness regimen, not only for physical health but also for overall well-being and longevity.

Getting started with strength training is simpler than one might think. A six-move upper-body workout devised by Childs requires only a pair of dumbbells and a sturdy platform, making it accessible for both gym and home workouts. The workout comprises three supersets, with each superset consisting of two exercises performed back-to-back with no rest in between. After completing each superset, a 60-second rest is advised before repeating the exercises. This method, known as progressive overload, involves gradually increasing the weight used for each exercise to promote muscle growth and strength gains over time.

The upper-body workout includes a variety of exercises targeting different muscle groups, such as push-ups for the chest and triceps, single-arm rows for the upper back and biceps, single-arm overhead presses for the shoulders, bench dips for the chest and triceps, biceps curls for the biceps, and lateral raises for the shoulders.

Childs recommends choosing a weight that allows for completing the recommended number of reps while still providing a challenge. Additionally, modifying the movements based on individual fitness levels is encouraged. For instance, if the weights feel too light for certain exercises, slowing down the movements can help increase muscle tension. Conversely, if the weights are too heavy, partial reps can be performed to engage the muscles effectively while reducing strain.

Consistency is key when it comes to strength training, with regular workouts leading to noticeable improvements in muscle strength, tone, and overall fitness. By incorporating strength training into their fitness routine, women can reap the benefits of improved physical health, enhanced functional abilities, and increased confidence in their bodies.

Repurposed article originally published in the Coach