Women Commandos Challenge Maoists

Women Commandos Challenge Maoists
Image Credit : Women Commandos Challenge Maoists

Elite Women Commandos Guard Critical Outpost in Gadchiroli Against Maoists

Eleven women officers from the Maharashtra police are positioned at a critical outpost in Gadchiroli district’s Wangeturi, just 20 kilometers from the Maoist stronghold of Abujmarh. Trained as commandos in jungle warfare, these women are part of a 200-strong security force, securing a ballistic-proof MAC-walled outpost established within a record 24 hours last November.

Trained to deal with potential attacks and deadly ambushes, these women are passionate pioneers dedicated to their mission. Savena Manohar Thakur, one of the officers, expressed her pride in being part of this historic team.

Despite the treacherous terrain, lack of resources, and potential danger, these women are determined to make a difference. Vishaka Mhashakhetri, a 33-year-old mother of two, emphasizes the importance of being vigilant round-the-clock to counter any attacks.

The outpost, equipped with Defencell MAC barriers, serves as a two-layer solid protection against potential threats. The outpost not only plays a strategic role in launching anti-guerrilla operations but also brings development to the region.

This initiative marks a groundbreaking move in India’s Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) area, showcasing the implementation of advanced security measures and the pioneering role of women commandos in combating insurgency.

Repurposed article originally published in the Hindu