Women influencing the Tech industry you should know about

Emphasizing the women moving forward in tech, we have compiled a list of some of the women tech leaders –

1 –Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code 

CEO and Founder – Girls who code, Marshall Plans for Moms

Voice of the influential TED talk, “Teach girls, bravery not perfection,”

Newyork times best-selling authors – Brave not perfect, Pay up.

In September 2015, Reshma Saujani was named to Fortune Magazine’s 40 Under 40 list.

In March 2022, the Institute on Holistic Wealth, Announced that Saujani was selected to be a Holistic Wealth Trailblazer, as part of the celebration of the release of Keisha Blair’s book Holistic Wealth Expanded and Updated.

2-Cathy Hackl, host of Future of the Metaverse Podcast

Hackl is best known as one of LinkedIn’s top Tech Voices and as the host of the Future of metaverse podcast with Cathay Hackl, where she discusses the latest news from ​​the world of the metaverse and emerging technologies and also brings in the insiders who make it happen. She is the mastermind behind the world’s first holographic press release.

3- Marissa Mayer an American Businesswomen and Co-founder of Sunshine contacts

Marissa Mayer, the first female engineer of Google joined the search engine in 1999 when it was still a startup. She also served as the president and chief executive officer of Yahoo. Currently positioned as the Co-founder of Sunshine Contacts and on the board of directors of Walmart

4- Adele Goldberg the woman behind apple

 One of the creators of Smalltalk-80  Adele Goldberg is referred to as one of the famous women in technology who developed the principles and graphical user interface concepts that are the basis of the Windows and Mac operating systems we use today.

 In 2010, she was included in the Women in Technology International (WITI) Hall of Fame.

5- Danah Boyd, founder, and president of Data & Society

A nationally identified scholar and notion leader, Danah Boyd based her personal studies institute to deal with the moral and prison implications of rising technologies.

 Author of ”It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens” and ”Participatory Culture in a Networked Era” 

She is also a partner researcher for Microsoft.

Today, her work focuses on intersecting technology and society.

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