Young Prodigy Preesha Chakraborty Shines on World’s Brightest Students List

Young Prodigy Preesha Chakraborty
Image courtesy: PTI

In a remarkable achievement, nine-year-old Indian-American, Preesha Chakraborty, hailing from Fremont, California, secured a coveted spot on the Johns Hopkins Centre for Talented Youth (JH-CTY) “world’s brightest” students list. The recognition is based on her outstanding performance in above-grade-level assessments, a testament to her exceptional abilities.

Exceptional Performance Across Subjects

Preesha, a Grade 3 student during the Summer of 2023, showcased brilliance in both the verbal and quantitative sections of the JH-CTY test, reaching the 99th percentile – a level comparable to advanced Grade 5 performances. Her achievement earned her the prestigious Grand Honors designation, a recognition bestowed upon less than 30 percent of students annually.

Global Recognition Through Rigorous Tests

The results were derived from tests administered to over 16,000 students across 90 countries, including assessments such as the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test), ACT (American College Testing), and School and College Ability Test. Preesha’s exceptional capabilities were further highlighted by her success in these globally recognized examinations.

A Lifelong Passion for Learning

Preesha’s parents attribute her success to her unwavering passion for learning. From an early age, she has consistently demonstrated remarkable academic talents, showcasing a natural curiosity and capacity for learning that set her apart.

Gateway to Advanced Programs

As a Grand Honors recipient, Preesha has opened the doors to a multitude of opportunities. She now qualifies for participation in over 250 advanced programs offered by Johns Hopkins CTY, covering diverse subjects such as mathematics, computer programming, chemistry, physics, reading, and writing.

Mensa Foundation Membership

Adding to her accolades, Preesha is a lifetime member of the Mensa Foundation, the world’s oldest high-IQ society. This exclusive membership is reserved for individuals scoring in the 98th percentile or higher on standardized, supervised IQ or other authorized intelligence tests.

CTY: Pioneering Gifted Education

Established in 1979, the Johns Hopkins Centre for Talented Youth (CTY) stands as a beacon of innovation in gifted education. With a commitment to expanding the field through research on testing, programs, and support for advanced learners, CTY plays a pivotal role in recognizing and nurturing young talents like Preesha.

Amy Shelton’s Insight: Beyond Test Scores

Amy Shelton, Executive Director of CTY, emphasizes the significance of the competition, stating that it goes beyond recognizing performance on a single test. Instead, it is a testament to students’ curiosity and capacity for learning, showcasing the depth of their intellectual capabilities.

Preesha Chakraborty’s inclusion in the world’s brightest students list not only celebrates her exceptional academic achievements but also opens doors to a future filled with advanced educational opportunities and intellectual growth.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The TOI