6 Best High Vitamin D3 Foods Must Be Added to Your Diet


Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins for the wellness of our body. You can frequently include these Vitamin D3 rich foods in your daily diet.

Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins for the wellness of our body. And the most common source of Vitamin D is sunlight. But the changing lifestyle makes it difficult for us to get much direct sunlight on a daily basis. In this case, it is advisable to use a Vitamin D supplement to substitute for the lack of vitamin D in our body. You can also opt to frequently include these Vitamin D3 rich foods in your daily diet.

1.       Egg Yolk

Egg yolks are a good source of Vitamin D. It is also rich in protein and fats. The amount of Vitamin D in eggs really depends upon the chicken, how much the chicken was fed with vitamin D-rich food, or for how long the chicken was exposed to sunlight. One egg can approximately fulfil 5% of your daily vitamin D requirement.

2.       Mushrooms

A good plant source of vitamin D is mushrooms. Just like humans, mushrooms synthesize this vitamin when exposed to sunlight. Mushrooms produce Vitamin D2 which raises the Vitamin D in the blood.   Wild mushrooms are a richer source of Vitamin D than the ones grown in the dark. A fresh Shiitake mushroom can provide one-fourth of the daily requirement of Vitamin D.

3.       Cow’s Milk

One of the best high vitamin-D3 foods is cow milk. It is a good source of various vitamins and minerals. It is rich in Vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus. A cup of cow’s milk has 15-20% of your daily requirement of vitamin D.

4.       Fish

The next on the list of best high vitamin D3 foods is fish. Fishes like tuna and salmon are rich sources of Vitamin D. Canned tuna is easy to store and cheaper than other fishes. A 100 grams of tuna fish can provide you 30-35 % of your daily requirement of Vitamin D. It is also rich in Vitamin K.  Salmon, on the other hand, is also rich in Vitamin D. Wild and farmed salmon have different amounts of Vitamin D. In 100 grams of wild salmon there is 998 IU of vitamin D and in 100 grams of farmed salmon, there is 250 IU of vitamin D.

5.       Yoghurt

Mostly all dairy products are good sources of Vitamin D and yoghurt is one of them. Yoghurt aids the formation of good bacteria in our bodies. It is also a rich source of calcium. It is a natural probiotic. For keeping our immune system strong, it is important to take probiotics. Yoghurt would really help in keeping your immune system strong and healthy during this uncertain period. A cup of yoghurt contains almost 16% of your daily requirement of Vitamin D.

6.       Orange Juice

A cup of orange juice is full of health benefits. It is a rich source of Vitamin D and calcium as well as full of fibers. Several antioxidants are also present in orange juice, which helps in cleansing our bodies. It also reduces the risk of many chronic diseases like heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes. A cup of orange juice has 12% of the daily intake requirement of Vitamin D.

It is really essential to have an apt amount of Vitamin D in your body. Lack of Vitamin D can result in fatigue and many other symptoms. So frequently check the amount of Vitamin D in your body and take supplements if it is very low. And often eat all these above foods to keep the Vitamin D in your body to a healthy amount.

Credits: IForHer

-Staff Reporter

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