Ask The Mentor

Q. I am a 25 years old woman. I feel dejected very easily and a simple comment on me from others make me low. As I am a job seeker, I am looking for jobs and I am well qualified as well. But after each interview I experience a low, like I have fell in to a black hole. What I have noticed is I cannot stand judgements and I have this habit of keeping on self-judging myself. Always some comparisons are going on within me, and I look at others faces, and try to read or it flashes into my mind, what they are thinking of me. This happens while I am with an interview board too. So I panic, and do blunders. Kindly help.
Answer br Ms. Angana Banerjee
The problem that you are facing is not uncommon at all. Infact, it is a very natural reaction to hit a low if the interview results don’t go in your favour. After all we went there to win and not get a refusal. Believe me, being with a spouse who is in a transferable job I have gone through numerous such situations where after every two years I get transferred go a new place and again the interview phase starts. The result of an interview cannot be decided by us. However we can decide and direct the way we react to it. The best possible way is to distance yourself from this feeling. Do not take the refusal personally. Try to make the most of the situation like what have you
Try to list the places where you think you can improve. I am sure by changing the way you react to a situation you can be a better performer next time. Just remember that being refused in interviews does not mean that you are in any way incompetent. Maybe this one was not meant for you and there is certainly some better opportunity waiting. In the meantime just try and upskill and add to your existing skills so that in the next interview you see a better version of yourself. All the best for your future!

English Language Coach