
Immune boosting is a trending topic during the Covid-19 pandemic. A strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy. A healthy immune system works like body armour, protecting us from the threats that constantly bombard us.  They are in your hands, on the food you eat and the air you breathe.

These are the important steps to strengthen your immunity:-

EAT WELL:- You are what you eat! A healthy balanced diet plays a vital role in staying well. Eating unprocessed foods will support your immune system. Limiting sugars and saturated fats is also important. Every function of the body benefits from proper nutrients. 

Foods to help boost the immune system are  Blueberries, Dark chocolate, Turmeric, fish, Broccoli, Sweet potatoes, Ginger, Garlic, Green tea, Almonds, Orange.


Even with a well-balanced diet, getting all the proper nutrients can be challenging. Support your immunity with a good probiotic and a lifelong vitality pack which will have a profound impact on your immunity. 


Research has shown that regular exercise can help increase your immunity. Even just exercising for 30 minutes and that too 3 times a week can make a difference.


Stress causes high levels of cortisol in your body which depress the immune system. When cortisol levels remain high for a long period of time, it leads our body vulnerable to attack. Take time out to meditate and support your stress levels with essential oils. 


Reduce the chemicals you use in your home and your body. Toxins put a strain on your immune system. 


You can also use essential oils to boost your immune system. The scientific study demonstrates that diffusion of essential oils can purify & cleanse the air providing added protection.  Adding essential oils to our daily regimen can stimulate our immune system and assist in protecting us against environmental threats. 

Good essential oils are  Tea Tree, Lemon, Peppermint, Oregano, Frankincense.

Ms. Usha Kuruvilla, 
Owner of Essence, 
Kochi, +91 965626097