Can our Kitchens be more Gender-Neutral?

In a world that is progressively challenging traditional gender norms, it’s time to reconsider the spaces where these norms have been deeply ingrained – our kitchens. The question arises: Can our kitchens be more gender-neutral? Beyond a simple yes or no, lies an opportunity to reshape our living spaces into inclusive, versatile, and empowering environments that reflect the diversity of the modern world.

At the core of a gender-neutral kitchen lies the notion of shared responsibility. Breaking away from traditional gender roles, this kitchen becomes a hub of collaboration and partnership. Cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the space become shared endeavors that empower everyone within the household. By dismantling the boundaries that have confined certain tasks to certain genders, we pave the way for a more balanced and respectful dynamic.

However, the reality is different. In the labyrinth of our society’s intricacies, the kitchen serves as both a hub of sustenance and a battlefield for gender inequality.

“Do husbands cook in Indian households?”

I asked this question to a group of women in our community WhatsApp group in the last week. I did a poll to find out the categories of “men” and got the below responses.

gender-neutral kitchen
1. Yes, he cooks daily and takes equal responsibility for household chores.
2. He does occasional cooking, and I am mostly responsible for kitchen and household chores.
3.He does help around in the kitchen. Does not cook or clean unless I ask.
4. I don’t like him doing these works because he messes it up.
5. He does help around in the kitchen. Does not cook or clean unless I ask.
6. I have a maid /other help around for my family, so my husband’s help is not of concern.

Now, this graph never came as a surprise to me, nor will it be surprising to anyone who understands the gender inequality that exists in our society, which ultimately begins in the kitchens of our world.  

The poll results encapsulate the stories of countless households: a mere 21 percent of men share equal responsibility in household chores. This revelation isn’t isolated but intertwines with a national narrative where women’s labor force participation struggles to break the 20 percent barrier. The link is undeniable, hinting at a system where women’s economic contribution and men’s involvement in the domestic sphere coalesce in a cycle of perpetuating inequality.

This data is from a small subset of around 100 plus women who voted. Of course, this graph has its limitations that way. However, it does follow the minimum respondent criteria to be followed in any research sampling. Keeping aside the technicalities, one thing is quite evident.  It’s not a mere matter of coincidence that women’s contribution to the economy and men’s lack of participation in the kitchen.

This gender imbalance is deeply rooted in historical norms that assigned women the role of caregivers and homemakers. The kitchen, once a space of culinary creativity, has become a battleground where traditional gender roles dictate who should bear the brunt of domestic duties. However, this isn’t just a matter of who washes the dishes; it’s about who can fully participate in the workforce, who can pursue education, and who can shatter glass ceilings.

The connection between unequal household responsibilities and women’s workforce participation is like a mirror reflecting society’s limitations. It’s a cycle where women’s dreams of career advancement and economic empowerment are stifled, not only by external constraints but by the unequal sharing of domestic burdens. As women strive to balance both professional aspirations and household duties, the odds are stacked against them.

Breaking this cycle requires more than sporadic gestures. Encouraging men to play an active role in household chores is a call to redefine masculinity and partnership. It’s about challenging generations of ingrained beliefs that have kept women shackled in the domestic realm. It’s a push towards a future where homes are shared spaces of growth, learning, and mutual respect.

To envision this change, we must confront the societal norms that perpetuate gender roles. Education and awareness campaigns can sow the seeds of transformation, while policy changes can water the fields of equality. When men take equal ownership of household chores, they’re not merely sharing the load; they’re creating an environment where women can soar professionally without constraints.

Progress is a journey, and like all journeys, it’s met with challenges. This transformation will not occur overnight, and it will not be uniform across regions or generations. However, the first step is acknowledging the intrinsic connection between the kitchen and the boardroom. By breaking the shackles of outdated gender norms, we pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable society.

gender-neutral kitchen
Image Source: WhatsApp Forward

Last month, we shared our happiness and felt pride in the women scientists who led the Chandrayaan Mission of India. As we clapped our hands for them, let’s not forget that probably, there is probably one woman in our own households who might have become that scientist, if she were not limited to cooking three meals and other household chores

In the end, this isn’t just a perspective; it’s a call to action. It’s an invitation to recognize the kitchen’s role as a crucible for change, where the flames of equality can forge a new path—one where household responsibilities no longer dictate women’s destinies, and where the workforce becomes a realm where everyone can thrive, irrespective of gender. It’s time to dismantle the walls of the kitchen, not just for women, but for the progress of society as a whole.

Can we make our kitchens more gender-equal?

Can men take more responsibilities within households?

If so, we can have more women’s success stories in our WhatsApp forwards!

Universal Love and Abundance


(Dr. CeeVee is the pen name of Dr. Chandra Vadhana R, Founder of Prayaana Labs and Managing Editor, of SheSight Magazine)