SheSight came across this brilliant piece of advice by Sukita Tapadia on LinkedIn. We unreservedly agree with Sukita on this.

As Lily Collin says- Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. Be willing to ask. Here’s what Sukita wrote on her LinkedIn page.

When I topped my MBA class while raising my baby, people asked how. Here’s the secret.

“ASK.” Hear me out.

When you read something on social media, it can be inspirational but daunting sometimes.

Unfortunately, we put others on a pedestal and underestimate our own capabilities. With all due respect, this is specifically true for many women.

And so, I’d like to draw your attention to an article that’s been very inspirational for me:

“Nice Girls Don’t Ask” by Linda Babcock and various authors.

It talks about a very critical thought: ” Women often don’t get what they want and deserve because they don’t ask for it”.

Further, it elaborates on observations from various studies that showed how men negotiated in situations they were placed in more often than women. 

And how we have internalized a behavior of not promoting our own interests to prioritize others’ needs over ours.

These thoughts have stayed with me, and I have made a conscious effort to “Ask” over the years. Asking for what I want, what I need, what I should get, and what I should give.

1. Asking my parents to let me leave a small town to explore bigger and better opportunities and not be married at an early age like many women in my community.

2. Asking my husband to be an equal partner in every way, ranging from raising our child to our careers and our personal interests. 

3. Asking my boss to believe in me, support my growth, and continue giving me better opportunities.

4. Asking my friends to help me in difficult times and to have my back.

5. Asking for mental and emotional support that we all need but don’t always manage to get partly.

So how did I manage to do what I did? “I Asked.”

Credit: Sukita Tapadia for LinkedIn