Inspiring Journey of Smital Dhake: British-Indian Data Scientist

Journey of Smital Dhake
Image courtesy: shethepeople

Early Life and Education in Maharashtra Smital Dhake, a British-Indian data scientist, hails from Jalgaon, Maharashtra, and is a beacon of inspiration for aspiring STEM professionals.

Academic Pursuits in England and India Dhake completed her BE in Electronics and Technologies from SavitriBai Phule University, followed by an IET Diploma, and attended Watford Grammar School.

Mastering Robotics at King’s College London After her undergraduate studies, she pursued an MS in Robotics at King’s College London, excelling academically and earning distinctions.

Groundbreaking Achievement in UK Railways At just 26, Dhake made history as the first data scientist to receive the UK Rail Staff Award for Newcomer of the Year.

Pioneering Work at Alstom UK Employed by Alstom UK, Dhake serves as an AI Control Engineer, utilizing her expertise to enhance Britain’s railway systems.

Innovative Contributions to Alstom‘s Projects Joining Alstom’s Digital and Integrated System (D&IS) UK, Dhake contributes to projects like Modular Advanced Route Settings (MAR-S), revolutionizing rail operations.

Acknowledged as an Exemplary Learner Described as a fast learner by her peers, Dhake continually seeks knowledge and excels in her role at Alstom UK.

Dedicated Outreach Efforts In her spare time, Dhake visits schools to promote engineering and sustainability careers, inspiring young girls to pursue STEM fields.

A Role Model for Future Generations Dhake’s journey from Jalgaon to pioneering AI advancements in the UK railway sector serves as a source of inspiration for all.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The shethepeople