Professor's Teaching Art
Image Source: Tiktok | @tamuphysastr

Physics Professor’s Viral Experiments

Tatiana Erukhimova, a physics professor at Texas A&M, has captivated the internet with her engaging and educational teaching methods, particularly showcased in her TikTok videos.

One notable experiment involves an egg placed on a cardboard toilet paper roll, situated on a plate resting on a glass of water. Erukhimova explains the demonstration, emphasizing the egg’s inertia, predicting that it will fall into the glass when the plate is swiftly removed.

The video, posted on December 13, 2021, has accumulated over 8.3 million views, contributing to Erukhimova’s widespread popularity for her physics practical experiments. Viewers express their enthusiasm, with comments stating, “I could never get bored in her class.”

In another video demonstrating inertia, Erukhimova strikes the handle of a knife with a mallet, causing a potato to move up the blade, prompting surprise and interest from viewers.

Erukhimova attributes the success of her videos to her department’s marketing staff, acknowledging the role of energetic teaching in garnering attention. The department’s TikTok page gained over 300,000 followers in three months, and Erukhimova’s channel currently boasts around 1.4 million followers.

Originally from Russia, Erukhimova moved to College Station in 1999 for a research position at Texas A&M. Coming from a family of physicists, her passion for physics is deeply rooted. Despite an initially challenging teaching experience with uninterested students, she learned the importance of sparking students’ interest in the subject.

While sharing her love for physics is not a new endeavor, Erukhimova is pleasantly surprised by the extensive reach of her videos, particularly the support from her former students.

In summary, Tatiana Erukhimova’s viral physics experiments on TikTok have successfully engaged millions of viewers, showcasing the fun and intriguing aspects of the subject.

Repurposed article originally published in UpWorthy

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