Supporting and Empowering the Game Changers

Kavitha Yerra

This article on female entrepreneurship is a testament to the LinkedIn writer Kavitha Yerra’s passion for uplifting and empowering women in business. She brings attention to the remarkable achievements of a middle-aged woman who has successfully run her own business for over a decade, providing employment opportunities for other women along the way. Through this article, Kavitha acknowledges just how crucial it is to have their backs and lift them up.

The other day I was having a conversation with one of my neighbors, who is a middle-aged woman with no formal education, yet running a small business successfully for over a decade. She is not just fulfilling her dream of leading a successful business but even providing employment for other women as well.

The collectiveness and team spirit of all the women working together towards the same goal helped in the overall success of their field of employment. I’m so inspired by the incredible female entrepreneurs out there who are changing the game and leading the way.

Isn’t it awesome that great things happen when we really think of how important it is to support and empower women entrepreneurs?

Women are often underrepresented in the business world and I want to be part of the solution.

Plus, I think there’s a lot of untapped potential in women-owned businesses.” No matter the size of the company, its field, and its employee, doesn’t this count as a Women in Business?

Doesn’t it count as a Women’s success?

Doesn’t it lead to Women’s Empowerment?

Yes, it does! A big fat YES!

I’m so impressed with the progress that’s been made, and I’m so inspired by the incredible female entrepreneurs out there who are changing the game and leading the way.

We need to continue to support and lift each other up and make sure that women are an integral part of this global economy. Women in business are an ever-growing force in the business world, and it’s no
surprise why.

More and more women are taking the reins and becoming successful.

Cheers to all the amazing ladies out there!

Staff Reporter