Ritu Harlalka and Deep Harlalka, a mother and son duo are living up to this tagline through their startup “VECLAN”.

Veclan exclusively deals in vegan products. The name veclan beautifully explains its existence- it stands for Vegan community. Based in Mumbai, Veclan is currently run by a team of five people.

Lockdown posed a setback for many of us, our lives became listless and dull but there were a few who saw this as an opportunity. Mr. Deep is one of those! Lockdown gave him a chance to reflect on the ongoing global crisis. He realized the need of adopting sustainable alternatives to protect nature and our ecosystem.

He recalls that he saw ‘Gamechangers’ on Netflix during the lockdown and that was a great eye-opener for him. Being a fitness enthusiast and awakened by the desire to save nature, Mr. Deep decided to quit his vegetarian diet and switched to a vegan diet. He abandoned his ‘nonvegan’ food altogether. “My mother was overjoyed when she learned about my decision. The fact that I am leaving eggs made her happy” says Deep.

While most of us think that meat and eggs are the ultimate sources of protein and one should consume them to gain muscle and strength. Mr. Deep refuted these thoughts, “ Vegan products can help fulfill our protein requirements in a much gentle manner” he stated. He practiced his fitness regime without consuming any dairy-based or meat-based foods and resorted to vegan-based food recipes solely. The results were astonishing, and he found them at par with the traditionally prescribed diet.

Mr. Deep saw this as a solution to address the problem of animal slaughtering and also restore the ecosystem. In an attempt to spread this idea to the masses, Veclan was born.

The first of the products of Veclan were dips and spreads. ‘Pepitas’ is a pumpkin seed-based spread that was curated by the mother-son duo. Cheese Shreds are the bestsellers of Veclan. Cheese is adored by people of all age groups, people find it hard to resist the craving for cheese. Mr. Deep saw this as a big hurdle in the process of becoming vegan. Cheese Shreds by Veclan is purely vegan and stimulate the taste buds in the same way as the ‘normal’ cheese. People loved this product and it also bagged the title of “Best vegan cheese of 2022”. The duo wishes to launch a series of products in the near future.

To popularize the concept of veganism, Veclan has recently rolled out the tagline “ BE THE DIFFERENCE”. The duo believes that small acts of kindness can impact lives in a huge way. He sees “veganism” as the need of the hour and a solution to combat many of our environmental problems.

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