Sushma Thodety- an inspiring success Story

Does marriage act as a barrier to a woman’s aspiration? Marriage is another stage of life, not a barrier to life and its aspirations. Who could be a better example than the newly crowned Sushma Thodety?

“It is a myth that women never achieve their goals after marriage. If you have a supportive family, I believe it boosts your confidence even more. I want to thank my mother-in-law and father-in-law for their support in helping me to live my dream”, says Sushma, who won a bronze medal for her social initiative and was awarded for Best Cultural Dress.

Sushma Thodety – A 40-year-old woman and a mother of two, recently represented Telangana in the Mrs. India finals which was held in Thailand. 

Sushma is an explorer by temperament. When her dream to become a doctor was unfulfilled, she pursued a career in supply chain management. She also worked in IT development and project management. 

Mrs. India My Identity’, is a national pageant held across the globe for Indian women. Among thousands of applicants who went through a vigilant screening process, 35 were chosen and were trained on a wide range of abilities for 3 months in preparation for the pageant. 

Sharing her consistent training for the contest, Sushma states, “I’ve worked out a lot to reduce my weight. I disagree with the claim that people don’t lose weight as they age. People can experiment with various methods of weight loss by choosing different forms of exercise, such as dance, brisk walking, or yoga. Staying fit will give one the self-assurance he/she needs to succeed in life.” 

On her experience of winning the award for ‘Best Cultural Dress’, she says: “I tried to capture the essence of Telangana by using traditional clothing from various regions of the State and gave a unique touch to my costume with Nizam’s jewelry. A sari made of different weaves, including ikat pleats, a Narayanpet blouse, and a Gadwal body with a gorgeous border and Banjara embroidery completed my attire,” 

 “I would like to thank Vibrant Concepts and the event’s organizers, Ginny Kapoor and Gagan Kapoor, for giving me this opportunity.” The mother of two adds, “I would like to use this opportunity to work for the improvement of the Telangana weaving community and highlight their traditional weaving techniques using a range of modern technologies.”  

At every stage of life, women need a chance to realize their potential and reach heights of success and shine the glory of their determination. 

Staff Reporter