Understanding Normal Hair Loss: Causes, Prevention, and Effective Treatments

Normal Hair Loss Causes
Image courtesy: Official site of Head and Shoulder

How much hair loss is normal? Dermatologists explain that shedding 50 to 100 hairs per day is typical, but anything exceeding 150 consistently is considered abnormal.

Hair loss in men versus hair loss in women While the average daily hair shedding is similar for both genders, women with longer hair are more likely to notice it, particularly during shampooing. Approximately 60% of women with androgenic alopecia, the common permanent hair loss form, experience excessive shedding.

The life cycle of hair The hair growth cycle consists of four phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transitional), telogen (resting), and exogen (shedding). The shedding process during the exogen phase is natural and allows new hair growth.

Hair loss causes Various factors contribute to hair loss, such as telogen effluvium linked to illness, medication changes, or stress. Androgenic alopecia, influenced by genetics and hormonal changes, is the most common progressive hair loss. Nutrient deficiencies, hormonal fluctuations, aging, and genetic predisposition also play roles.

Hair loss treatments and prevention Dermatologists recommend medications and professional procedures to block hormone changes and enhance hair growth. Minoxidil, known as Rogaine, is an FDA-approved topical solution effective for androgenetic alopecia. Supplements like Nutrafol address hair loss. Additionally, addressing nutrient deficiencies and making lifestyle changes, such as managing stress, are crucial.

When to see a doctor about hair loss Persistent hair loss exceeding the normal range requires medical attention. Dermatologists can assess the cause and recommend appropriate treatments or interventions to prevent further hair thinning.

Understanding the causes, prevention, and effective treatments for hair loss is crucial for maintaining hair health. Regular monitoring of shedding patterns and seeking professional advice when needed ensures timely intervention and better outcomes in managing hair thinning issues.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The Prevention