Woman Entrepreneur Came from The US to India to Setup Her Successful Boutique Design Studio

Niraali Parekh is the Founder of Bokaap Design, a boutique studio that has launched over 30 brands and worked on 200+ projects in India and abroad. The full-service studio offers branding, packaging, and tech services.

Niraali Parekh was studying graphic design at Savannah College of Art and Design in the US whean Pentagon Design Firm came to her college for a presentation. That is when Niraali got interested in the idea of the creation of a Design studio where experts from different fields like design, content creation, marketing, and technology could come together as a collaborative team.

After finishing her studies, in 2010, she came back to Mumbai to set up Bokaap Design, a boutique design studio. During that period there was some reverse brain drain happening and many Indians who studied abroad were coming back to India to set up their business or join the family businesses. So Niraali did not hesitate in deciding that she wanted to set up her studio in Mumbai. Back then, there was no competition and hers was the only studio of its kind in Mumbai.

Niraali’s family owns a plywood business that was set up by her great-grandfather. So, Entrepreneurship is in her blood. But it was not easy for her. With her skills in design and web development, she set out to work for any and every client that came her way. At first, she used to do her work from her bedroom, but in two years she was able to hire her first employee and the business grew steadily ever since.

Initially, it started as a visual communication studio, and over time, became more focused and offered expertise in branding, packaging, and UX/UI projects. (UX/UI – User Experience/User Interface)

“We design your brand identity, from logo to website to packaging, so that you can announce your presence to the world. In addition, we continue our partnership to craft digital and direct marketing creatives to engage your customers and meet your business goals. We execute your digital transformation from enterprise platforms to mobile apps with the right technology stack for your product. Our clients include B2B, B2C, and B2B2C companies,” Niraali said in an interview.

Over the last 11 years, Bokaap Design has delivered more than 400 projects for hundreds of domestic and international clients. Although the competition has considerably increased in the past few years, Niraali dreams to expand Bokaap Designs and take up UX/UI in the Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality space and wearable technology. 

-Staff Reporter