‘April is the cruellest month’ said TS Eliot in his most celebrated poem ‘the waste land’. The April 2020 reflected anxiety, despair and mental vacuity as the corona hit days have flung us back and forth between hope and despair. But April remained a month of rebirth too – nature sprung back to her glory while many of us took this as a chance for self-introspection and self enhancement. New hobbies were taken up and new interests formed; thanks to social networking and its new platforms we were able to stay connected and to keep the spirits up. Team Prayaana too went active in various platforms; Many inspiring webinars were being conducted and skills sharpened as we never knew what’s waiting for us post covid ! The post crisis days may witness a sea change in equations and dynamics altogether – Modus operandi and preferences may get reversed and many tables will turn. ‘The wasteland’ ends on a highly optimistic note– quoting Brihadaranyaka Upanishad it calls– to share, to be compassionate and to have selfcontrol. Amidst all the crisis the factor that remains unchanged is the ‘Humanity, and let us be more ‘humane’ .Once again team Prayaana extends our gratitude and love to health workers and the Police officials for their unrelenting support and services.

By Sujatha Unnikrishnan..