The fourteenth of 21 ways women have redefined the world: gender equality


As athletes who have made significant contributions to their respective sports and beyond, we recognize the platform we have to inspire and advocate for change. Each of us—Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Billie Jean King—has forged a path that extends far beyond the confines of competition, using our voices to amplify important messages of empowerment, equality, and perseverance.

Image credit: Britannica

As athletes who have made significant contributions to their respective sports and beyond, we recognize the platform we have to inspire and advocate for change. Each of us—Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Billie Jean King—has forged a path that extends far beyond the confines of competition, using our voices to amplify important messages of empowerment, equality, and perseverance.

Image credit: Forbes

Simone Biles, a trailblazer in gymnastics, has redefined what it means to be a champion. Her unmatched athleticism and courage have set new standards in the sport, inspiring generations of athletes worldwide. Beyond her unparalleled achievements in gymnastics, Simone has been a vocal advocate for mental health awareness and self-care.

Image credit: Britannica

Billie Jean King, a pioneer in women’s tennis and sports activism, has dedicated her life to fighting for gender equality and social justice. Her legendary career on the court was matched only by her efforts to create opportunities for women in sports and beyond. Billie Jean’s groundbreaking advocacy work, including the founding of the Women’s Tennis Association.

Together, these athletes have leveraged their success and visibility to challenge inequalities in sports. Their advocacy has led to significant advancements in gender equality, from equal pay to better representation and support for women’s sports.

Inspired from the story by Sarah Griffin published in

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