Image Credit: My Kolkata The Telegraph

Easterine Kire, a distinguished Naga author-poet, has emerged as a captivating voice in contemporary literature, particularly in capturing the essence of Naga culture. Her works shed light on the fading memory of oral narratives within Naga society. In this article, we will explore the significance of Kire’s portrayal of this cultural transformation and its implications for the preservation of traditional storytelling.

For centuries, oral narratives played a central role in the transmission of knowledge, history, and traditions among the Naga tribes. These stories were passed down through generations, ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage. However, with the advent of modernization and the influence of external cultures, the memory of these oral narratives has started to fade.

Easterine Kire, being a member of the Naga community herself, has observed this transformation firsthand. In her works, she beautifully encapsulates the changing dynamics of Naga society, as the younger generations become increasingly detached from their oral storytelling roots. Kire expresses a deep concern for the loss of these narratives, which hold invaluable insights into the Naga way of life.

Kire’s writings serve as a poignant reminder of the urgent need to preserve the Naga cultural identity. She underscores the importance of oral narratives as a means of connecting the present generation with their ancestral past. Through her works, Kire encourages her readers, both within and beyond the Naga community, to appreciate and embrace the power of storytelling in safeguarding cultural heritage.

As an author-poet, Easterine Kire has contributed significantly to the preservation of Naga oral narratives by capturing them in written form. Her literary works serve as an archive of these stories, allowing future generations to access and explore their rich cultural tapestry. By publishing her works, Kire ensures that the fading memories of oral narratives are immortalized and made accessible to a wider audience.

While Kire acknowledges the challenges posed by modernization, she also emphasizes the importance of revitalizing oral traditions. She believes that embracing technology and adapting storytelling techniques can help bridge the gap between older and younger generations. Through workshops, storytelling sessions, and collaborations, Kire actively encourages the revival of oral narratives among Naga communities, rekindling a sense of cultural pride and identity.

Re-reported from the story originally published in My Kolkata The Telegraph

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