In a world flooded with motivational quotes and messages, whether it’s “Believe in yourself” when scrolling through our social media platforms or “You can do it!” plastered on a billboard, these messages often ignite our enthusiasm and determination. We find ourselves excited, motivated, and unstoppable, ready to conquer the world. However, this motivation ultimately fizzles out, leaving us struggling to maintain our drive. This fleeting motivation is known as extrinsic motivation. External factors such as motivational phrases or the promise of rewards ignite extrinsic motivation, playing a vital role in propelling us forward when needed. However, sustaining this motivation demands conscious effort.

Intrinsic Motivation
Image Credit: Unsplash

Conversely, intrinsic motivation originates from the inside and is necessary to sustain our long-term enthusiasm and determination. Instead of being influenced or receiving rewards from others, intrinsic motivation is fueled by a sincere interest in the task at hand and the happiness it brings. People who possess intrinsic motivation are inclined to be passionate, resilient, and creative in their endeavors. Because the action itself is intrinsically important and satisfying to us, this internal drive enables us to maintain our motivation throughout time, even in the absence of extrinsic incentives and challenging times.

While external rewards can kick-start our efforts, it’s our inner motivation that sustains us over time. Intrinsic motivation is like continuous motivational quotes coming from within, making us feel determined and unstoppable. This demonstrates how intrinsic and extrinsic drives differ from one another.

Type of MotivationExample
IntrinsicEnjoying painting because it allows self-expression and exploration of creativity.
ExtrinsicPainting primarily for recognition and awards in competitions.
IntrinsicStudying a subject out of genuine interest and curiosity.
ExtrinsicStudying only to earn high grades or to please parents.
IntrinsicParticipating in sports for the love of the game and personal improvement.
ExtrinsicPlaying sports solely for the prize money or scholarships.
IntrinsicWriting poetry as a means of emotional expression and reflection.
ExtrinsicWriting poetry to win a poetry contest or to gain fame.

So, how can we harness the power of intrinsic motivation? The key lies in cultivating self-awareness, setting meaningful goals, and nurturing a growth mindset.

Intrinsic Motivation
Image Credit: Unsplash

•          Self-awareness is the cornerstone that supports intrinsic motivation. We must make sure that our endeavors are motivated by true purpose and fulfillment by ensuring that our goals are in line with our authentic selves by understanding our core values, strengths, and passions. By identifying what really is important to us, we may use this self-reflection as a compass to direct our actions and decisions. Identify the Intrinsic Drivers, and think about life.

–           Reflect on what truly motivates us and brings us joy.

–           Identify activities that we are passionate about and lose track of time while doing.

–           When do we feel most connected to our authentic self and true purpose?

–           What activities do we engage in purely for the love of doing them, without any expectation of external rewards or recognition?

These are clues to our intrinsic drivers.

•          Setting meaningful goals that align with our core values is required to stay motivated. Knowing the purpose behind our goals is essential for sustaining motivation. Our “why” reminds us of the significance of our actions, guiding us through challenges. It’s necessary to break down our objectives into actionable steps. For example, if we’re passionate about promoting healthy living, set a goal to organize a weekly fitness class in our community or start a blog sharing nutritious recipes and wellness tips.

•          Nurturing a growth mindset is crucial for overcoming challenges. View failures as opportunities for learning and growth. When setbacks occur, recognize them as an integral part of the journey. Shifting this perspective helps us push through self-doubt and allows us to continue pursuing our goals. Accepting failure as part of the process allows us to learn from mistakes, adapt our approach, and move forward. Additionally, it’s important to silence our inner critic, which often undermines our confidence and belief in ourselves.

Remember the first time we learned how to ride a bike? There were the falls, and the stumbles, but then came that thrilling moment when we finally pedaled without any assistance. Similarly, our journey in harnessing intrinsic motivation is about enjoying every step, including the progress and obstacles. Discovering our true inner motivation leads to endless growth, fulfillment, and genuine achievement. Intrinsic motivation is a potent force within us all, waiting to be unlocked. Identify what drives us from within and use that power to fuel our journey. With confidence, resilience, and determination, we can navigate any challenges that come our way. Let’s embrace our inner motivation, aim high, and let it drive us to greatness.

-Preeti Kumari is an accredited ICF PCC with advanced certification in team coaching, specializing in executive, leadership, and systemic team coaching.

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