Kurta Versus Dresses: Rethinking How Clothing Defines Modernity

The Evolution of Dresses
Image Credit: Reddit/Pinterest

Donning a printed cotton kurta paired with denim, I stepped out of my room, ready to embark on an important day. However, my stride was halted by my mother’s words: “Why don’t you dress smartly like other women?” My response was simple: I feel confident in a kurta. While some might perceive my mother as progressive for encouraging me to wear dresses, the essence of freedom lies in personal choice. Opting for a kurta over a dress represents my freedom.

In today’s rapidly changing world, the definition of modernity seems to shift with each passing moment, influenced by trends on platforms like Instagram. Yet, is modernity merely reflected in appearance or behavior? Or is it a mindset that embraces diversity and respects individual preferences?

Reflecting on my childhood, I recall being conditioned to associate femininity with fragility, leading me to seek validation by adopting masculine attire. Similarly, today, many equate modernity with dresses and short skirts. When questioned about her preference for dresses, my mother explained that in today’s era, a woman’s modernity is often judged by her wardrobe, favoring dresses as a symbol of contemporary femininity.

Unfortunately, societal hypocrisy persists, as women are labeled regardless of their attire. A woman in a kurta may be deemed submissive, while a woman in a dress is labeled modern. This labeling extends to instances of assault, where a woman’s clothing is often scrutinized and blamed. The solution, society suggests, is for women to dress modestly to avoid such incidents, reinforcing regressive ideals.

In this struggle for autonomy, women are left pondering whether to dress for themselves or for societal approval. My mother’s evolving perspective reflects this dilemma, as she prioritizes social validation over individual expression. Yet, true empowerment lies in rejecting these stereotypes and embracing one’s unique identity.

Ultimately, my choice of attire reflects my agency and confidence, independent of societal norms. It’s time to challenge these rigid definitions of modernity and embrace individuality without judgment.

Repurposed article originally published in She the People

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