Tips for Removing Burnt Smell
Image Credit : AndreyPopov/Getty

If you’ve ever forgotten a pan on the stove, overcooked a roast, or set the microwave too high for popcorn, the lingering smell of burnt food can be unpleasant.

When faced with this situation, it’s essential to know how to eliminate the burnt smell from your home. Here are some expert tips to restore your living space to a pleasant state after a kitchen mishap.

  1. Remove the Source: The first step is to take the burnt item out of the house to prevent the odor from spreading further. This immediate action helps contain the bad smell.
  2. Create Air Exchange: Speed up the process of removing odors by creating an air exchange. Open windows on opposite sides of your home and place a fan blowing outward into one of them. Alternatively, create negative pressure by opening one window, positioning a fan blowing out, and sealing any extra window space around the fan. This expels odors and fills your home with fresh air.
  3. Use Air Purifiers: Introduce a portable air purifier into the affected room. Air purifiers help remove particles causing odors by using a fan to draw them in and trapping them inside the filter. The vent hood above your stove, equipped with a replaceable charcoal filter, can also circulate air and aid in odor removal.
  4. Dispose Properly: Dispose of the burnt item properly. Avoid putting it in the kitchen garbage pail, as this can prolong the odor. Instead, place the pot, pan, or bowl outside to cool before discarding it in an outdoor trash can.
  5. Cleaning Techniques: Cleaning methods depend on the type of burnt food and its location. For example, if you burned popcorn in the microwave, wipe out any debris, mix water with vinegar or lemon juice, heat it for 2-5 minutes, and wipe down the interior. For persistent smells, deodorize overnight with baking soda and change the microwave filter.

By following these steps, you can effectively eliminate the burnt smell from your home and restore a fresh, pleasant atmosphere.

Article originally published in First for Women

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