October 11 is the international day of the girl child. Being born a girl is still a bane in many parts of the world. We still have miles to go to make this planet equally beautiful for girls.

Incidentally, this year, my daughter turned 18. As I watched my daughter turn 18, it brought a sense of pride and joy, tinged with the realization that the little girl who was once fascinated by the smallest things had now grown into an adult.

With adulthood come responsibilities and expectations set by society. I initially intended to write a letter to my daughter about how to navigate this new phase in life. However, I thought, why stop at just my daughter when countless daughters on this planet could benefit from the wisdom and guidance we can share?

So, here it is—a letter not just to my daughter, but to all the daughters of this planet.

Dated Forever

My dear girl,

Welcome to Adulthood!

Welcome to this exciting journey of adulthood. The world you’re about to explore is different, not just because you can vote or open a bank account, but because the experiences you’ll encounter as an adult will be markedly distinct from your childhood.

This new world may surprise, shock, and mesmerize you. My journey into adulthood was not marked by the typical celebrations you see today. I grew up in a society where an 18-year-old girl was often considered a burden, destined to be married off. Fortunately, my parents refused to succumb to this outdated mindset, and they bestowed upon me one of the most powerful tools in life: education.

A Source of Life, Courage, and Potential:

My dear girl, I want you to understand one fundamental truth: you are the source of life, courage, capabilities, and potential that have the power to impact this world positively. Your life energy can turn a barren desert into a thriving garden. Never, ever allow anyone to tell you that your role in life is confined to being subservient or subordinate to a man.

You are not just here to fulfill others’ expectations or to live within predefined roles. Your dreams, aspirations, and ambitions are just as valid and important as anyone else’s. You can lead, to inspire, to create, and to change the world. Embrace your individuality, and never let societal norms limit your potential.

Education as the Foundation

Education, I came to realize, is the key that unlocks countless doors. It granted me the ability to overcome the gender-based barriers that life threw at me. Today, I’m proud to say that the education I received has been a constant source of strength, enabling me to rise above the challenges that might have otherwise held me back.

But, education is not the only key to independence and success. Financial independence is equally vital. My dear girl, take charge of your financial future. Build a strong foundation by managing your finances wisely. Save, invest, and be mindful of your spending. The ability to support yourself financially will provide you with the freedom to make choices based on your aspirations rather than being beholden to others.

Empowering Careers

A fulfilling career is more than just a source of income; it’s a path to self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. Explore your passions, discover your talents, and choose a career that aligns with your interests. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo and pursue careers that may have been traditionally dominated by men.

Your journey may not always be smooth, and you may encounter obstacles and setbacks. But remember, these challenges are opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow. Seek mentors who can guide you in your career and be open to the idea of being a mentor for others in the future.

Breaking Through Glass Ceilings

My dear daughter, believe in your abilities and do not be held back by preconceived notions about what women can or cannot do. Work hard, persevere, and shatter any glass ceilings that may exist. You have the potential to excel in any field, and your contributions can be as significant as anyone else’s.

Balancing Life and Career

As you build your career, don’t forget the importance of balance. Life is not just about work; it’s about cherishing relationships, nurturing your passions, and taking care of your physical and mental well-being. Create a life that brings you happiness and fulfillment.

Defying Gender Stereotypes:

It’s crucial to understand that the world is evolving, and the definition of what it means to be a woman is no longer confined to the narrow, traditional roles of the past. You have the right to pursue your passions, whether that’s in science, art, business, politics, or any other field you choose. Don’t be afraid to break free from stereotypes and pursue the path that resonates with your heart.

Remember, true empowerment is about recognizing your worth, nurturing your talents, and striving for the life you envision. Surround yourself with people who support your aspirations and believe in your abilities. Seek mentors who inspire and guide you, and in turn, be a source of inspiration for others.

Building Resilience:

In this journey of life, you’ll face challenges and setbacks. But each of these obstacles is an opportunity for growth. Learn to be resilient, for it’s through adversity that we discover our true strength.

Do not let the world define you, but rather, define yourself by your actions and the impact you make. Be proud of your achievements, no matter how small or large, and use them as stepping stones toward even greater accomplishments.

A Sustainable Planet

Remember, the planet you inhabit is your home. Take responsibility for its well-being. We’re at a critical juncture where the actions of this generation will significantly affect the world you and future generations will inherit. Contribute to a sustainable, greener future. Advocate for the environment, protect the natural world, and work towards a future where all life can thrive.

Supporting Each Other:

Lastly, remember that as a daughter of the planet, you are a part of a global sisterhood. Support and uplift one another in your careers. Your solidarity and shared experiences can break down barriers and create opportunities for collective growth and empowerment.

My dear daughter, I want you to be a happy, flourishing, impactful young woman and never a subservient and meek woman that the world will want you to be! For heaven’s sake, do not yield to such things. Be a free soul. Celebrate life. Because you are my daughter!

Embrace your journey into adulthood with courage, determination, and a commitment to making the world a better place. You are not alone in this endeavor and the collective strength of daughters like you can illuminate the world.

With all my love and support,

Your Mom


(Dr. CeeVee is the pen name of Dr. Chandra Vadhana R, Founder of Prayaana Labs and Managing Editor, of SheSight Magazine)

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