Heart Diseases in Women – Prevention and Early Detection

Image Source: Metropolis Healthcare

Heart diseases are no longer limited to the elderly or those with underlying health conditions. Recent months have seen an increase in young people, specifically women, falling victim to heart attacks. Heart ailments are equally prevalent among both genders, and the busy and stressful lifestyle of working women puts them at greater risk. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, disturbed sleep cycles, and pressure are all contributing factors.

Early diagnosis can prevent heart ailments, but many women confuse the symptoms of a heart attack with the effects of menopause, putting them at greater risk. A lack of clear symptoms or confusion often makes it difficult for women to detect heart attacks or seek proper medical advice. Symptoms of heart attacks in women differ from men and may include chest pain, pressure on the chest, neck or jaw pain, shortness of breath, unusual fatigue, and high blood pressure.

Preventive measures can help avoid heart ailments. No smoking, a healthy diet, maintaining a work-life balance, and regular checkups are essential. Smoking restricts the fresh air supply, leading to a greater risk of heart attacks. A low-fat, low-cholesterol diet helps prevent cholesterol collection in arteries. A balanced routine can help avoid stress, which may lead to heart ailments.

Regular checkups are necessary to detect underlying heart conditions before they worsen.

Staff Writer

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