Defeating Demons and Embracing Virtue: The Saga of Dussehra


In the heart of India, where culture and tradition weave a rich tapestry of stories and beliefs, there exists a festival that ignites the spirit and reminds us of the eternal battle between good and evil. Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, stands as one of the most significant and widely celebrated Hindu festivals, drawing millions into its embrace every year. It is the day when the echoes of a timeless epic resonate through time, a day when Ravana, the embodiment of malevolence, met his match in the form of Lord Rama. According to the sacred Ramayana, Lord Rama, aided by his loyal brother Lakshmana and the valiant Monkey-God Hanuman, embarked on a monumental quest to rescue his beloved wife, Sita, who had been abducted by the nefarious demon king Ravana.

And on this auspicious day, the forces of righteousness triumphed over the forces of darkness, marking the victory of good over evil. Such is the essence of Dussehra, a festival that not only celebrates a legendary battle but also imparts timeless lessons in the ongoing struggle between right and wrong.

All said, Vijayadashami is an auspicious festival and celebrates the triumph of good over evil.

How do People Celebrate Dussehra?

The festival of Dussehra or Vijayadashami is celebrated differently in various parts of the country. While in some regions people engage in public processions, in some regions they take part in Ram Leela. Ravan Dahan is organized in a few cities. The most vital features of the festival include bursting crackers and feasting. Colorful exhibitions and fairs are organized on the occasion at many places in India. Moreover, people enact the entire Ramayana right from ten days prior to the festival of Dussehra.

Image credit: The Hitavada

What Can We Learn from this Festival?

Dussehra is the festival of the victory of good over evil. This festival signifies that the wrongdoings on some of the other days come back to you in one form or another. How powerful the evil force may be, truth and righteousness always win.

  1. Victory of Good over Evil
    No matter how powerful is the evil, it will come to an end one day. In the end, truth, justice, and goodness prevail.
  2. Burn the Evil Inside You
    This day the effigy of Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and Meghnaad are burnt. This is symbolic that we should also burn the evil inside us that draws us towards the wrong path. According to one opinion, Ravana’s ten heads represent the emotions of lust, anger, delusion, greed, pride, envy, heart, intellect, will, and ego.
  3. Follow the Path of Truth and Dharma Be on the side of truth and you will always win. Justice might be delayed but you will surely get it. So have patience like lord Rama and do not go against your dharma. Do not fight for anything which is ethically not yours. Don’t be greedy.
  4. Conquer your Ego Ravana was over-confident about his powers. He thought that no one could defeat him. His ego was the cause of his fall. Otherwise, Ravana was a wise and learned person of his time. He was an ardent devotee of lord shiva. He had mastered all the four Vedas and Shastras. He was a great veena player and master of astrology and ayurveda. Despite all the wisdom, he could not conquer his own ego. He conquered all the nine planets. He defeated the mightiest people of that time including devatas. So, keep your ego in check and listen to your inner voice.
  5. Never Share Your Secrets If Vibhishana did not know the secret of Ravana’s death then it would have been difficult to defeat him.
  6. Do Not Underestimate Your Opponent Ravana always thought that humans were too weak to do any harm to him. So, when he asked boon from lord Brahma for immortality and protection, then he did not mention humans. As per the boon given to him by lord Brahma, no devata, deity, yaksha, serpents, heavenly spirits, wild beasts, etc. can kill him. That is why lord Vishnu incarnated as a human to kill Ravana. So never be overconfident. Stay humble.
  7. Follow the Path of Dharma Vibhishana chose to follow the path of dharma. Instead of supporting his elder brother Ravana, he stood with the right. Today also he is appreciated for his wise decision. Though he is being accused of being disloyal to his own brother, one should follow the right path even if that makes you stand against your own people. Vibhishana tried to advise Ravana about the repercussions of his actions, but Ravana did not listen to him.  
Image credit: Navbharat Times

Unfortunately, mankind is following in the footsteps of Ravana. Everyone is concerned about their own well-being and the accumulation of resources for their own good. To achieve that they can go to any length. No one is concerned about the needs and rights of others. Most of us are filled with greed, lust, jealousy selfishness. We are aspiring to gain more and more power to suppress the weak.

We are aspiring to conquer the whole world and now even space. But we are not focussing on our inner self. Despite all the technological inventions, people are still miserable, sad, and depressed. If we want to celebrate Dusshera in the true sense then we need to conquer our own evils and work towards the peace and harmony of the whole world.

Let’s make this world a better place to live in.

Author Sakshi Khurana is a fashion enthusiast and emphasizes the significance of appearance in forming initial impressions. With a passion for designing clothing, she ran a thriving women’s apparel business.

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