Confidence: Vulnerability over perfection, growth through doubt, feedback matters, success isn’t sole indicator, cultivate through experience


In today’s dynamic landscape, projecting confidence demands a nuanced approach beyond traditional methods. Esteemed women leaders across industries advocate for a paradigm shift in our understanding of self-assurance. Here’s a distilled narrative:

Self-assurance isn’t merely about projecting an image of unwavering confidence; it’s a journey of growth intertwined with risk-taking. Erika James, trailblazing dean at The Wharton School, emphasizes that confidence evolves through confronting challenges head-on. Incremental risks, like reaching out to mentors or advocating for oneself, cultivate genuine confidence over time. It’s not about faking it; it’s about building it organically.

Image credit : Forbes

Furthermore, confidence finds its roots in service. Whitney Wolfe Herd, founder of Bumble, emphasizes the transformative power of addressing societal needs. By channeling personal struggles into solutions, she underscores the link between empathy-driven entrepreneurship and genuine confidence. It’s about leveraging one’s experiences to make a meaningful impact.

Authentic confidence also thrives in humility. Rachel Balkovec and Bianca Smith, pioneering figures in Major League Baseball, embrace the underdog status as a catalyst for proving oneself. Their experiences underscore that confidence isn’t about flaunting prowess but about quietly affirming one’s capabilities through actions.

Connection emerges as a cornerstone of contemporary confidence. Sarah Blakely, the force behind Spanx, champions vulnerability as a catalyst for genuine connections. In a world craving authenticity, leaders who prioritize understanding over persuasion foster lasting trust. It’s about forging genuine human connections grounded in empathy and humility.

Lastly, self-doubt isn’t antithetical to confidence; it’s a catalyst for growth. Barbara Streisand’s insight underscores the symbiotic relationship between confidence and doubt. Embracing uncertainty fosters self-awareness and resilience, ultimately fueling authentic confidence.

In essence, modern confidence transcends superficiality, rooted instead in service, humility, connection, and self-reflection. It’s a journey marked by incremental risks, empathetic leadership, humble authenticity, genuine connections, and embracing vulnerability. As we navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, embracing this multifaceted approach to confidence empowers us to thrive authentically.

Repurposed article originally published in Forbes

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