India sees significant progress in female literacy since Independence

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The progress of female literacy in India has been remarkable over the years. According to a report by LiveMint, the literacy rate of women in India has increased by 68% since Independence, rising from a meager 9% to a promising 77% at present. This is a significant improvement and a cause for celebration.

World Bank estimates show that only 1 in 11 girls was literate during the period surrounding India’s Independence. However, now the situation is much better, with 84.7% of males being literate in India. The National Sample Survey report quotes Kerala as the most literate state in India with a literacy rate of 92.2%. Following closely is Lakshadweep, with 91.85% of people being literate, and Mizoram with a rate of 91.33%. Meanwhile, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, and Rajasthan recorded the lowest literacy rates in India, at 61.8%, 65.3%, and 66.1%, respectively.

However, the report also highlights the issue of the school dropout rate, which stands at 12.6%. Sadly, female students faced higher dropout rates due to early marriage, and education not being a priority for girls. Furthermore, 19.8% of students discontinued their studies at the secondary level.

It is noteworthy that rural areas in India have a lower literacy rate of 67.77% compared to the urban literacy rate of 84.11%. This disparity can be attributed to inadequate educational infrastructure, lack of awareness about the importance of education, and poverty.

The Ministry of Education’s Samagra Shiksha Scheme, launched in 2018-19, aims to provide inclusive and quality education at the elementary and secondary levels. The scheme is jointly funded by the central and state governments on a 60:40 sharing basis. The 2021-22 analysis reveals that West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, and Punjab received more than 90% of the government-approved share.

The increase in the female literacy rate is a significant milestone and a step towards achieving gender equality in India. Educated women can contribute to the country’s progress and development. The government should focus on bridging the gap between urban and rural education, promoting gender equality, and addressing the issue of school dropouts. With concerted efforts from all stakeholders, India can achieve its goal of a 100% literacy rate in the near future.

Staff Reporter