Colorectal Cancer Doctor: 5 Things to Avoid at All Costs


Colorectal cancer ranks third in global cancer prevalence and early detection poses challenges due to subtle symptoms, often overlooked or mistaken. Dr. Ursina Teitelbaum, a gastrointestinal cancers specialist, highlights critical practices for maintaining bowel health.

  1. Acknowledge Family History: With up to one in three cases associated with family history, understanding your genetic predisposition is vital. Inquiring about colorectal cancer occurrences among relatives can inform early screening decisions.
  2. Prioritize Timely Screening: Increasing diagnoses among younger adults emphasize the importance of prompt screening. Since 2021, the recommended age for screening has been lowered to 45, with regular colonoscopies crucial for early detection.
  3. Heed Abnormal Symptoms: Abnormal bowel habits or unexplained symptoms like blood in stool warrant attention, even in younger adults. Vigilance and prompt consultation with a healthcare provider are essential to avoid delayed diagnoses.
  4. Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle: Modifiable lifestyle factors significantly impact colorectal cancer risk. Factors such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor diet habits contribute to increased susceptibility.
  5. Normalize Bowel Discussions: Overcoming the stigma surrounding bowel discussions encourages proactive healthcare. Symptoms like irregular bowel movements can serve as vital indicators of underlying issues, underscoring the need for open dialogue.

These practices, endorsed by Dr. Teitelbaum, underscore the significance of proactive measures in colorectal cancer prevention. Early detection and lifestyle modifications can significantly mitigate the risk, ensuring optimal bowel health and overall well-being.

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