Education Struggle: Man Tears Wife’s Exam Paper

women's education
Image Credit: ETV Bharat

A viral video highlights the unfortunate reality of women’s education challenges. A woman named Aarti Lodhi, attempting her third-year Sociology exam, had her answer sheet torn by her husband, Manmohan Lodhi, in a shocking incident at Chhatrasal College in Madhya Pradesh.

Aarti, separated from her husband due to disputes, chose to take her exams at her parents’ home. Manmohan’s actions exposed his unwillingness to support his wife’s education aspirations. This incident reflects the fragile male ego that resists women’s progress and decisions.

The act was clearly meant to humiliate and induce fear, discouraging women from pursuing education. The video’s comment section reveals a society divided, with some justifying the husband’s actions and blaming Aarti. This attitude further discourages women from seeking a better future.

Instances like these are not isolated; women face aggression due to their husbands’ reluctance. This stems from the fear that women’s education challenges male dominance. It’s a call for respecting individual choices in education and employment matters. Instead of fostering a supportive environment, some men let their egos hinder women’s growth.

In Aarti’s case, Chhatrasal College authorities promptly involved the police, but Aarti refrained, considering it a family issue. This incident emphasizes the need for societal change, where women’s aspirations are supported and their achievements celebrated, rather than suppressed.
Re-reported from the article originally published in SheThePeople

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