Gender Differences in Bathroom Habits: Survey Insights

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A recent survey by Zoe Health, a UK-based health startup, reveals interesting disparities in bathroom habits between genders. Titled ‘The Big Poo Review,’ the survey collected data from over 142,768 individuals aged 18 and older. Results indicate that women experience more constipation issues, while men tend to spend more time in the bathroom.
Vishnupriya Bhagirath, a psychologist at Softminds Counselling Centre in Trivandrum, suggests that women may feel uncomfortable using public bathrooms or spending extended periods in the bathroom compared to men. The survey found that 23% of women reported constipation, compared to around 13% of men. Additionally, more women (19.1%) reported diagnoses of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) than men did.
Experts provide insights into these gender differences. Karishma Shah, a nutritionist, and integrated health coach, explains that hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle can contribute to gut health issues in women. Dropping ovarian hormone levels can exacerbate gastrointestinal (GI) tract problems, as hormones like progesterone slow bowel motility. Dr. Shrey Srivastav, an assistant professor at Sharda Hospital, supports this view and highlights the mind-gut connection, emphasizing the impact of stress and anxiety on chronic GI tract issues in women.
Vishnupriya Bhagirath attributes these findings to psychological factors. Women may feel sensitive about using public bathrooms due to societal and familial pressures, leading them to withhold stool and potentially develop constipation. Moreover, Bhagirath highlights that women often experience higher stress levels compared to men.
Dr. Srivastav suggests that men may spend more time in the bathroom due to various reasons. Smoking before using the toilet and seeking personal space are mentioned as possible explanations. Shah adds that activities like reading newspapers or using phones while in the bathroom can contribute to the increased time spent there.
Re-reported from the article originally published in The Indian Express

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