Masked Heroines
Image Credit: The New Indian Express

A touching tribute unfolded at Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park, as the launch of the book “Developing Stories” celebrated the unsung heroes of society. The book, a collaborative effort by class 12 students Tia Thadani and Amaira Goyal, illuminated the lives of 15 remarkable female sanitation workers who tirelessly uphold Chennai’s cleanliness. Distinguished figures including Chennai’s Mayor Priya Rajan, Commissioner Dr J Radhakrishnan, and representatives from Urbaser Sumeet, an environmental organization managing waste collection, joined the event.

The book portrayed these women’s journeys through narratives and photos, highlighting their challenges, victories, and vital role in community well-being. Hemalatha, one of the sanitation workers featured, expressed her joy and gratitude for being part of the book. The authors, Amaira and Tia, aimed to showcase the strength and contributions of these women to inspire the world.

The book launch underscored that heroes exist in our everyday lives, emphasizing the contributions of these sanitation workers to urban cleanliness and safety. Partnering with Urbaser Sumeet allowed the authors to seamlessly craft the book, while the organization introduced an Edu Bridge scholarship program for the sanitation workers’ children.

The event left attendees with a renewed appreciation for sanitation workers’ invaluable contributions, achieving the book’s aim of raising awareness and sparking positive transformation.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The New Indian Express

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