Image Credit: Abbie Naber

Struggling to fall asleep quickly? Try the military sleep method, a simple and effective technique that has gained popularity on social media. This method, which has nothing to do with military commands, focuses on relaxation and letting go of daily stresses to facilitate faster sleep onset. Developed by the United States Navy Pre-Flight School, it was originally used to help pilots fall asleep within two minutes.

Here’s how to practice the military sleep method:
1. Breathe: Inhale gently through your nose, filling your belly, and exhale slowly through your mouth, maintaining a steady breath throughout.
2. Relax Your Face: Release tension in your jaw, lips, eyebrows, and forehead. Let your facial muscles unwind.
3. Relax Your Upper Body: Allow your back to mold into the mattress, let your arms relax, and wiggle out any tension from your fingers.
4. Relax Each Leg: Feel the relaxation flowing down your legs, melting away any tension.
5. Clear Your Mind: Empty your mind of stress and thoughts and imagine calming and peaceful scenarios.
6. Keep Breathing: Let the breath move into your chest, continuing to relax in the same way.

To enhance the technique, you can incorporate progressive muscle relaxation by tensing and releasing your muscles while focusing on your breath. Remember, it may take some practice to master the method, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a little longer at first.
According to sleep experts, consistent practice of the military sleep method can help you fall asleep within two minutes. So, give it a try and experience the benefits of this effective sleep hack.
Re-reported from the article originally published in Homes and Gardens

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