Orange Peel Magic: 20 Clever Uses to Transform Your Home and Lifestyle

Orange Peel Magic
Image courtesy: firstforwoman

Orange peels, often discarded, hold incredible potential for various purposes. Here are 20 ingenious ways to utilize orange peels:

  1. Quick Fire Starter: Dry orange peels and toss them into the fireplace for a faster fire, thanks to the flammable oils in citrus peels.
  2. Stress-Relieving Bath: Enhance your bath by adding torn orange peels; the citrus scent triggers the release of calming brain chemicals.
  3. Shoe Deodorizer: Combat shoe odor by placing orange peels inside; they absorb moisture, release a pleasant aroma, and fight bacteria.
  4. Wooden Furniture Polish: Shine tables with the white side of an orange peel, moisturizing the wood and leaving it sanitary.
  5. Teeth Whitener: Rub the white part of an orange peel on teeth to lift surface stains without damaging enamel.
  6. Cat Deterrent for Plants: Keep cats away from potted plants by sprinkling orange peels on the soil; the citrus scent repels them.
  7. DIY Face Mask for Glowing Skin: Mix grated orange peel, juice, and canola oil for a natural face mask that exfoliates and moisturizes.
  8. Clump-Free Brown Sugar: Place an orange peel slice in the sugar bag to release moisture, keeping it soft and lump-free.
  9. Soap Scum Remover: Soak cloudy glassware in warm water with orange peels to cut through soap scum and mineral deposits.
  10. Fruit-Fly Trap: Craft a trap with a yogurt container, orange peel, and tiny holes to attract and trap fruit flies.
  11. All-Natural Kitchen Cleaner: Create a potent cleaner by combining orange peel with white vinegar, breaking down grease and disinfecting surfaces.
  12. Ink Stain Remover: Rub the white side of an orange peel on ink-stained skin to attract oils, making removal easier.
  13. Scuff Remover for Shoes: Lightly rub scuffed leather shoes with an orange peel to diminish marks and revitalize their appearance.
  14. Painless Splinter Removal: Tape an orange peel over a splinter for 30 minutes; enzymes encourage the splinter to surface for easy removal.
  15. Houseplant Revitalizer: Buff houseplants with an orange peel to remove dust and add a polished sheen.
  16. Bug Bite Soother: Rub the inside of an orange peel on bug bites to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  17. Juicier Chicken on the Grill: Place an orange peel on chicken breasts while cooking to create a barrier and retain natural juices.
  18. Flavored Olive Oil: Upgrade olive oil by pureeing orange peels with it, creating a citrus-flavored oil perfect for dipping or recipes.
  19. Microwave Stain Remover: Steam away microwave stains by heating water and orange peels; citric acid dissolves messes for easy cleaning.
  20. Closet Freshener: Combat musty odors in closets by placing orange peels in pantyhose; they absorb and neutralize odors while emitting a fresh fragrance.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The lifeforwoman

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