Image Source: Cosmopolitan

Popstar Selena Gomez has just added another achievement to her list by becoming the first woman to reach 400 million followers on Instagram. Just a few days ago, she surpassed Kylie Jenner to become the most followed woman on the platform.

Kylie had previously held the record for the most-followed female on Instagram with 382 million followers. But Selena has now broken that record with her massive 400 million following. This accomplishment is a testament to Selena’s massive popularity and influence, particularly among young women.

Last month, Selena announced a social media break, shortly after becoming the most-followed female celebrity on Instagram. During a live stream on TikTok, she expressed her gratitude for her fans and followers, stating, “I’m very happy, I’m so blessed. I have the best friends and the best fans in the whole world and I just couldn’t be happier.”

She also mentioned that she would be taking a break from social media as it had become a bit “silly” and she felt that she was “too old for this.” However, she soon returned to the platform and shared pictures with her family.

Selena’s record-breaking achievement on Instagram is not only a personal milestone but also a significant one for women on social media. With her massive following, Selena has the potential to inspire and influence millions of young women around the world. Her success is a reminder of the power of female voices and their ability to make an impact in the digital age.

Staff Reporter

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