Warning Signs of Low Bone Density You Shouldn’t Ignore

Low Bone Density
Image courtesy: Money control English

Strong bones are essential for supporting our bodies and performing various functions. Low bone density, also known as osteoporosis, can quietly develop and become a significant health issue for people of all ages. This condition occurs when bones lose density and quality, making them more susceptible to fractures and other problems. Factors like aging, nutrient deficiencies (especially calcium and vitamin D), hormonal imbalances (common during menopause), lack of weight-bearing exercises, genetics, certain health conditions, and medications can all contribute to low bone density.

Recognizing the early symptoms is crucial for early detection and intervention:

  1. Recurring Fractures: Increased vulnerability to fractures, even from minor accidents, is a key indicator of low bone density. If you’re experiencing frequent fractures, consider a bone density evaluation.
  2. Loss of Height: Gradual height loss due to compression fractures in the spine can be a subtle sign of low bone density.
  3. Back Pain: Persistent lower back pain could be related to weakened vertebrae caused by low bone density.
  4. Weakened Grip Strength: Decreased hand and wrist strength may indicate early bone health issues.
  5. Brittle Nails: Changes in your nails, like increased brittleness, can hint at low bone density when considered alongside other symptoms.
  6. Dental Issues: Dental problems like loose teeth and gum recession may reflect weakening jawbone density.

If you recognize these warning signs, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. They can recommend bone density tests and provide guidance on lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, or medications to manage and improve your bone density. Early detection is key to preserving bone health.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The Money control English

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