10 Natural Ways to Eliminate Cooking Odors in Small Apartments

Cooking odors
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Small apartments often struggle with lingering cooking smells due to inadequate ventilation. Discover these 10 natural remedies to keep your space smelling fresh.

  1. Boost Ventilation: Enhance air circulation by opening windows or using fans and air purifiers. Combat stubborn odors and improve indoor air quality.
  2. Aromatherapy Magic: Combat cooking odors with chef’s candles or oil diffusers. Opt for scents like lemon, orange, or tea tree oils for a fresh ambiance.
  3. Coffee Grounds Trick: Repurpose used coffee grounds to neutralize lingering smells. Spread them on a plate or in a bowl overnight or brew a fresh pot for a quick fix.
  4. Upholstery Deodorizing: Eliminate food smells from upholstery, bedsheets, and more by using linen sprays or natural deodorizing techniques.
  5. Baking Soda Wonder: Tackle smells from acidic foods like tomatoes, meat, or fish by sprinkling baking soda on a plate overnight to absorb odors.
  6. Clean As You Go: Combat oil splatters that hold onto food smells by washing dishes, wiping counters, and cleaning surfaces immediately. Make it enjoyable with your favorite playlist.
  7. Homemade Air Freshener: Infuse your kitchen with natural fragrances by simmering water with fruits, herbs, and spices. Popular choices include lemon rinds, apple slices, cinnamon sticks, and lavender.
  8. Pleasing Scents: Introduce pleasant scents with aromatherapy diffusers or chef’s candles to counteract cooking odors and create an inviting atmosphere.
  9. Maximize Coffee’s Potential: Don’t discard used coffee grounds; use them to neutralize smells or brew a fresh pot in the afternoon for a strong, pleasant aroma.
  10. Neutralize Cooking Smells: Before introducing a new scent, neutralize or air out lingering cooking smells for a clean canvas. Avoid clashes of odors for a harmonious scent experience.

Freshen up your small apartment effortlessly with these practical and natural solutions to eliminate stubborn cooking odors.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The Spruce

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